
How is it fair that 10% of the population pays more than 60% of the countries income taxes?

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The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per­cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. These are proportions of the income tax alone and don’t include payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

But didn’t the Bush tax cuts favor the rich?

The New York Times reported recently that the average family in America with an income of $10 million or more received a half-million-dollar tax cut, while the middle class got crumbs (less than $100 shaved off their tax bill). If we examine the taxes paid in a static world—that is, if we assume that there was no change in behavior and economic performance as a result of the tax code—then these numbers are meaningful. Most of the tax cuts went to the super wealthy.




  1. The percentages used in the question are correct as to the way that the "Income Tax" is adminstered----but you must know that ---"Congress taxed income not compensation"----find the definition of "Income" and also "Wages" in the code and the question is no longer relevant if the tax was correctly administered-----

  2. Since when has the US tax code been fair. But never fear. Just as soon as Obama gets into office he will tax us all into poverty, rich and poor alike.

  3. A lot of people think that the Bush tax cuts that favored the wealthy meant the wealthy now pay a lower percentage of their income to taxes then the middle or lower class....this is not true it simply brought it to a more fair/equal level.  The rich still pay about 50 percent of their income to taxes, the middle class pay about 25-30 percent and the poor pay between 0-15 percent.

    Also on average the rich use less government funded programs then the non-rich(ex. not using public schools as the wealthy are more likely to send their kids to private schools & rich people cant get government handouts like foodstamps or welfare but more then half of that funding comes from the top 10 percent.)

  4. Please stop stating actual facts on here. You might upset someone. ;)

  5. I don't think that's a question. :o

    Are you in league with the richies?

  6. All over it!

  7. Some would say that it's because they have the most.  Myself, I think that's shooting our economy in the foot, because while they have the most, they also spend the most, which benefits the working class, and they have the businesses which employ those in the working class, directly benefiting that class. As for fair, life has its unfairness.

  8. It isn't.  Which will not keep Democrats from attempting to raise taxes higher than they already are.

  9. God, I am so sorry for all those people, how they must struggle..the tax codes are never fair.  

    And the Gov',ment insists that those people making all that money running profitable companies  actually have to pay people who work for them instead of just supplying housing and food.  The good old days, where the company was boss..gone forever.

  10. maybe 3% fair.  if someone told you life was fair, they lied.

  11. The US has always had a progressive tax structure.  The rich pay a higher % of dollars because they have the money to pay.  

    The Bush tax cuts are wrong because they produced huge deficits and increased the national debt.

    Arguments like the ones you make, or the corollary argument that revenues increase under Reagan/Bush tax cuts, are also off point.  It is the net effect that is of concern.  We cannot continue, long term, to increase the national debt and remain solvent.  The Bush tax cuts produced deficits and increased the national debt.  They were the wrong thing to do for all but the richest few % of people in the country.  And long-term, they will serve the richest folks poorly as well.

  12. First off the stats your stating are probley a little a skew Most poles and such tend to lean towards the pollers view point. But having said that. I can not see why some one would want to punish some one for working hard and making big money, Its unfair!!

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