
How is it like being a mermaid??

by  |  earlier

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I am going to turn into one, Just please don't make fun of me, I've already gotten hurt enough, I am not telling anyone how to do the mermaid spell, It's a secet, and I need advice, becuase I live in an deep water lake, would it work anyways? and another problem, My friend wants to tell the whole school that we are mermaids! ugghhh problem here!

Help Me!




  1. oh gosh, i hope she doesn't- you could loose your powers! It is ok, i know the spell, i am a mermaid, and i hate the haters! It is wonderful, but you can only be one in salt water, i turned into one while i was in Hawaii, you will feel you can do anything- it is wonderful, turn into one and we can be friends!

                                                          Safe Swimming,

                                                                      Mermiadia Blue

  2. I would never make fun of you.And just between you and me I am going to turn into one too.I found this spell and I am going to try it.let me know if everything works out. bye :)

  3. I am a wiccan..

    ive almost done it before.

    but didnt work




    A BAD BAD PLACE!;...

    can I hve the spell pretty pretty please!

  4. well, let her tell your friends, because it wont happen, i know tons of people that have used every method. i know mermaids, and you cant be one. if this keeps happening, they are going to be getting pretty angry. they cant contact human society, so they just have to sit and take it while people like you act like they're some magical super powered beautiful creature, and even though thats a nice stereotype, its still a stereotype, and its not all true. and guess who's gonna have to sit through a three hour meeting? thats right, me. no, im not kidding, im actually going to have to do that if you people insist on treating the second dominant species in the world like some pretty butterfly. in a way, it racist.

  5. I don't know what it's like being a mermaid, but rock on and good luck~

  6. There are most mermaids, in reality, who probably suffer.

    Mermaids, wants to be like us.

    But I believe the term mermaid is a term to cover their true forms.

  7. its coool *****

    you'll feel like splitin domes

  8. I know how, first you take some weed, and smoke it. then, the next thing you know, you got a scaly tail.

  9. It's like being part fish, part human.  If you're already a human and are turning into a fish, then I'd head for the nearest large body of water.  Either that, or see a psychiatrist.

  10. DONT LET HER! Seriously they will think your freaks! I am turning into a mermaid soon i did the spell ( LOTS OF SIDE EFFECTS ) I hope my tail is pink! Best of Luck!

  11. gee! that would be wonderful! imaging being underwater without any breathing apparatus?!?!?!?!                                        

    I hope i can be one too!

  12. Now who let you out of the looney bin?

  13. first of all, tell your friend to keep her mouth closed or to consider herself no longer your friend. friends just shouldnt do that.

    it sounds like you pretty much have your mind made up. i trust you have a fairly diecent spell to enable this life choice? if you can could you send me an email of its basic ritual form (that way i can advise you on if it is a spell or something worse).

    i dont actually have any records concerning anyone who has successfully cast this sort of spell so my advice is fairly limited concerning the pesons overall experience in a new form...but from what i can gather: what is it like to be a mermaid? very wet and alot of difficulty walking. what? you couldnt see that coming?

    good luck to you and be safe.

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