Ok, this sort of is a question, sort of more opinion based. I just want your opinion.
I have been seeing my boyfriend for nearly nine months, it's all good, we are stable, no problems here. I met his family a while ago, and they're nice. I was scared to death of his dad for a little while, but got over that. I go over to his house all the time and hang out with him, his parents, and his brother and sister.
Now, with my family, my boyfriend has only met my parents two times. There's good reason for it. My mom is insane and doesn't trust me wherever I go. I'm 18 and she thinks I'm off drinking and partying when in reality I'm baking cookies and watching movies at a friend's house (no joke). She won't let me drive the car because of whatever reason she has. If I stand one foot close to my boyfriend she freaks out and thinks the worst.
Then, with my boyfriend's family, we were sitting together on comfy chair, and his mom walks by and looks at us and just smiles. She asks us if we kiss, hold hands, etc. His dad teases about it. Here's another thing: I met his grandfather the other day and he hugged me. My own mother doesn't hug me! And last week i needed to go somewhere important, and my boyfriend's parents let me use the car. i'm not even related to them!
Ok, I guess I just want your opinion here. Does anyone else think that all this is a little weird?