
How is it physically possible for a man to rape another man?

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Shouldn't the 'victim' be able to fight his attacker off? or did he secretley want it?

IMO, male on male rape is just NOTpossible.




  1. ask the guys in prison.

    better yet why don't you go in there and do your own private investigation.

  2. There are many myths about male rape and you've just named one of them.  Men can be raped - both by other men and by women.  It saddens me to think of what male victims have to face.  Most times it isn't reported because of prejudices such as yours.  If you look around, you will see that plenty of men are bigger and stronger than other men.  This is an incredibly complex issue that can't be fully discussed or addressed in a venue such as this.  I will simply leave you with this - do you want to be the kind of person that your friends and loved ones would turn to if something terrible (like being raped) happens or do you want to be the one they would never want to find out because of your limited capacity for understanding and compassion?  Give it some thought.  

  3. They force anal penetration. Not all men have equal strength. A stronger, bigger man can obviously rape a weaker one.  

  4. yes it is possible.  The attacker could have a weapon.  It happened before.  No one wants to be raped!  Something is not right with you for thinking that!  Educate yourself, before making any judgements.

  5. This is so sad.  Men are having a really hard time fighting for rights and justice when it comes to rape. The biggest issue....YOUR MIND SET.

    Yes men can be rape, by women and by other men.  About 10% of rapes reported to the police are from male victims, they believe that this number is much higher as the majority of men wont come forward about it....b/c of YOUR MIND SET.  It turns them into the victim twice, once by the rapist and by the lack of support and justice.

    For the rights of humanity, if you cant learn...please keep your mouth shut.

    " According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice's National Crime

    Survey, released in 1991,..... Of that number, 13,000 rapes involve male victims. And their assailants are almost always other men."

  6. So you think this guy:

    could fight off this guy:

  7. What the h**l are you talking about? Male on Male rape is possible, anal and oral rape. He wasn't secretly g*y, and oh my god you're such an idiot.

    Point being, is rape isn't about sexual gratification, its about power, and power doesn't discriminate.  

  8. I happen to believe it is possible. Why does it matter to you? Are you not so secretly wanting some?? Get a life, get laid, and stop asking stupid questions.

  9. Okay, take jail, a bathroom, and five other guys who will hold you down while the one rapes you. If you don't think thats possible, thats like saying it's impossible for five guys to tackle the one guy in football.

    Oh, and lets not forget about the 30 year old tough men who can easily force a little boy into submission.

  10. The real question is how is it physically impossible for a man to rape another man? It happens all the time. It doesnt mean the guy is weak, he could be forced with a gun or maybe he got drugged up. Not all men are equal in size either.

  11. male on female rape is more common because women are weak

  12. of course is possible, if someone tie u, or just put a gun in your face?

    it is stupid, nobody is raped if want s*x, NO MEANS NO


  13. Justice Seeker, have you ever read "The Kite Runner"?

  14. How old are you o_0?

    Rapists can always drug, hit, chloroform, and do anything that causes any kind of disability to rape anyone.

  15. hey,

    i was raped, im a girl, but the guy who did it coudl easily pin down some of my guy friends. there is fear that become s a big part, and eventuallly you dont fight back.

    sorry to dissappoint you, btu its very possible. especially if you get someone fucked up enough to do it.

  16. Trust me women fight when they being raped as well. Do you think they just lay there? There are many ways to restraint and otherwise frighten (with the use of weapons for instance) anybody. I wish you guys didn't think man are all strong and women are all weak. It's just won't serve you well in life.

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