
How is it possible for some women to suddenly discover they are 15 weeks pregnant?

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I mean, after one missed period, wouldn't you get the slightest bit suspicious? How do you miss FOUR??




  1. If you're irregular you wouldn't know by missing a period. I have a friend that randomly misses periods sometimes and was almost 5 months when she found out. It's not impossible.  

  2. some have irregular periods or some people get spotting while pregnant and that could make them mistake a pregnancy for periods.

  3. I WAS on Birth control, missed two, and took FOUR HPT, all said IS possible.

  4. You can still have periods during your pregnancy.  Some women do.  I want to know how woman can go 9 months and claim not to know but I can understand four.  Some womens are irregular so they might not know.

  5. It could be because they're very fat and they're experiencing little to no pregnancy symptoms. They probably blamed their missed periods on stress or perhaps they have irregular periods. I have irregular periods and I've missed at the most 3 months.

  6. I knew this dumb girl once, it took her five months. Some girls are just retarded.

  7. Well when I found out about my oldest girl I was 13wks 2 days... I had no symptoms with her and with my 2nd I was 14wks 6days, and again no symptoms.... I had no period either but that was normal for me because they were irregular anyway...

    My irregular periods had nothing to do with my weight... More to stress than anything else...

  8. some women never have regular periods and some women also have their period through their whole pregnancy so yeah it is possible!

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