
How is it possible to be able to punch through thivk ice, wood and other thick objects without breaking ..?

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your arm. How d o the karate ppl do it? And how is it possible to do?




  1. Many objects are so hard that they form hairline cracks in them, such as bricks, ceramic tiles or ice. It takes many years of practice and conditioning to perform these feats. Notice that every slab of ice or piece of pine boards is separated by a spacer? This help to increase the momenteum of the force with each force above it. Roofing tiles are another example...they are actually SO HARD (from the kiln) that they are "brittle". Some of them can be broken by simply dropping them on the sidewalk from as little as 12 inches. Every "set-up" is tested before the demonstartion to learn how much force is required to break the entire stack. They also have a pressure guage which registers how much force a person can generate with a downward blow. This way the martial artist knows if he can generate enough force to successfully break the stack with injury to himself.

  2. You have a long way to go grasshopper

  3. After much time spent in punching things with your fist, the bones and what not becomes stronger and you start to feel less pain.

  4. One thing is they usually have really good technique to their punches and after doing it for a long time it hardens your body.  After doing any sport long enough your body toughens itself to be able to withstand the type of punishment it is exposed to.  So its really just a combination of good technique and the human bodies ability to adjust to the stresses applied to it.


    time and contitioning

  6. Sometimes its just a trick the performers do like softening the material prior to breaking. But the technique is to build up strength and hit straight through the target. If you don't have enough strength or do not hit through, then the force will bounce back at you. Pain ensues

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