
How is it possible to believe you can do anything?

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How is it possible to be confident, as in to believe you can do anything, even the unrealistic impossibilities, though you can stride to do so. How is it possible?




  1. Follow Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "I had a dream"

  2. Miracles i can do right away...the impossible takes longer

  3. It's called self-agrandisement or a Napoleon neuroses.

  4. Interesting question; aside from the unrealistic impossibilities (e.g., I want to jump to the moon), you are only handicapped by what you think you cannot do.  Look at some of the leading inventors and see how often they failed before they succeeded; if they didn't believe it was possible, they would have quit after the first few attempts. Remember the old cliche': success comes in cans, not can'ts. I'm not trying to pump sunshine here, but if you believe that you can't, you won't. Don't handicap yourself; believe you can and go for it! Belief in yourself and your capabilities is the key.

  5. ...values, self esteem, willing to work and try...self confidence...

  6. Just click your heels and repeat the magic words - Paris Hilton, Paris Hilton, Paris Hilton...If she can get a book published, the world is your oyster.  Granted, the publisher is probably a total prostitute and was just looking for good sales numbers as opposed to actually providing great literary, pimp the system?

  7. Well your not really believing, your just dreaming. You dream so much about that one thing and then it just gets stuck in your head. So you keep working towards it until your dreams become reality and your satisfied with yourself.

  8. It is posible because, builting apon what worked well before is a very wise rule.

    Life is short, live alittle.

    Out of all the odds in the universe, your existance is now.

    Why the heII shoudn't anyone reach for the stars?'s just sitting there for the taking,...what is there to lose? So you "might" fall,..the harder you fall the more you'll learn. Get the drift?

    When I'm six feet under, I'll sleep easy knowing I lived.

    Good luck dude,...I don't know what people are fussing about,...just do it, lol.

  9. that means you can see anything i know alot of things i can do that ORDINARY people lack! they just should be happy to be alive!~01010101LITTLE RASCALS RULE OUR SCHOOL!~~

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