
How is it possible to keep airports safe?

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After the airports starting prohibiting certain items, I looked up what all items were still allowed. For each of these items, I was able to find detailed instructions making a decent-sized bomb on the internet in under five minutes.

How would it be possible for airports to be safe if even these small, seemingly significant items, can be harmful?




  1. We would therefore do well at some point—and heaven forbid that it take a successful terrorist plot to do so—to consider an alternative model for commercial aviation security that relies not only on high-technology equipment, but also intelligent profiling that screens people as well as whatever they may carry.

    A good example of this approach is the passenger screening system used by Israel and its national airline, El Al, since the early 1970s to good effect: the last successful hijacking of an El Al flight was 1968.

  2. its impossible to eliminate every possible danger that some one can think of.

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