
How is it possible to...???

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.....raise 2 kids on a waitress salary?




  1. You need to get a better job.

  2. You will need to budget your money and not spend any extra money on things that aren't necessary. Write down all your expenses and calculate your income so you can see what needs paid when. Use coupons at the grocery store and shop at Goodwill or consignment shops if necessary.

    Also, I would find another job. Even if it is an entry-level position. It may come w/better benefits which can be helpful in the long run.  

  3. You just have to do what you have to do.  You have to be strict with your money.  Make sure bills are paid first and any "extra" money is spent wisely.  It's possible.  People do it all the time.  See how many government assistances you can be granted (WIC, medicaid, etc).

    Good luck to you and your two children!

  4. My sister is a waitress and she takes home $200 night. She makes more than I do at a regular job working 5 days a week.  But you are not a good waitress you will not make that kind of money.  

  5. Be a really good waitress so you get a lot of tips. Apply for food stamps, buy angel food boxes, make sure to get your child support. And lots of ramen noodles cheap but fillling. And save everywhere you can. Start christmas shopping in October so its more spread out if you have a place to hide everything. And if you raise them right they won't care that you are always broke.

  6. depends on the place. i've waited tables in a place where i made $200 per shift and others where i only made $30 per shift.

  7. I am a single parent of three with a single house hold income , I dunno how I do it but you just find a way . May not have all the things you want.You can provide the things you need .You have your kids so there is really nothing more that is importain . Just make yourself beleive that what you do takes care of you and it will. Sounds weird but it has worked for me for over eleven years. good luck  

  8. Money doesn't raise your children.  You do.

    But train up for management, and manage the other waitresses.

    Until you oen your own.  

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