
How is it possible to sustain (or create) peace in Iraq?

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I'm going to be debating the hot topic 'the issue of sustainable peace in Iraq' and i need strong points to argue. Any views or suggestions will be helpful.




  1. Get in a god d**n time machine, go back before the first golf war and keep Bush Senior out of office and keep the h**l out of others countries!

    Failing that pull out and let them get on with it! They don't have the technology to attack us (well they didn't before we sold them it) so just let them get on with their lives like that have for years before we went in

  2. nuke them all and move americans in.

  3. An atomic strike with a thermonuclear device would kill everone thereby eliminating all conflict in the area.

  4. I think the current philosophy is "bomb them all into freedom!" isn't it?

  5. It is very difficult in my view to have peace in an Islamic state, I know that they are trying to turn to democracy but democracy is against the beliefs of Muslims. Its their way or the high way!

    I am not judging anyone or any country, its just the way it appears to me.

  6. How about we just let the ungrateful ******** just wipe eachother out? It will be really peaceful then?

    Sorry I couldn't resist. The ONLY way there will be seious peace in Iraq, is if the population (and this goes for much of the middle east) pulls itself out of its middle ages thinking. It is still a country that is dominated by tribal rules and religion. Only by getting rid of these two things and removing them from decisions of state, will there be peace.

  7. blow it up

  8. Since there are so many warring factions, on option is to segregate groups by geography to prevent sectarian violence.

    Train a police force the is representative of the population and committed to an end to violence and the enforcement of rule of law.

    Install a representative democracy.

    Disarm the public.

    Increase the peace though humanitarian efforts.

    Introduce Iraq to the global economy.  Globalized states rarely go to war with each other because the financial repercussions are too great.

  9. By getting down on our knees and praying my dear, god bless you

  10. the country must be divided into three seperate regions for the Kurds, s**+'ites and Sunni.

    No other measure will suffice.  There is too much hatred between these groups to sustain any meaningful or long lasting peace.

  11. I believe that peace in Iraq is impossible under the present situation.  But unfortunately with the various sections so far apart in their beliefs then solving the problem would also take radical changes which nobody is prepared to take.

  12. It's not possible at all.  Skip the debate and go do something else with your time.

    ...and definitely don't bother "praying" about it.  If there was any kind of god who gave a S**t about anything at all, Iraq wouldn't be the debacle it is now ... what's that old Pat Benetar song?  "h**l is for Children" ...

  13. To leave and worry about our own problems.

  14. Get the politicians out of the way .

  15. Get everybody out, do spring cleaning, then settle the natives back in, minus all the war debris.

    Oh, and an apology would be in order.

    People usually knock when entering.

  16. Decode this lyrics " If you don't know me by now"

    Matt. 5. 9-16

    Luke 2.32

    Luke 9.55-56

    Luke 9.60

    Luke 24.44-45, 47-49

    What do you think?

  17. put all the males over 12 in concentration camps and reeducate the rest.  Short of that forget it .read a history book insted of asking dumb *** es like me for the answer.

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