
How is it ?

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The GW questions have in it theory, hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation, postulation, postulate, proposition, premise, surmise, assumption, presupposition; opinion, view, belief, contention, but little on facts.




  1. No one can predict the future.  These people want you to think that they can.  

    10 years ago, they were claiming that we would never again see a white Christmas, and the capitol would have to be moved to Duluth, MN to get out of the heat of DC.

    They have no clue what the next 10 years will be like.  For all anyone knows it will be far, far, colder.  We shouldn't listen to these bozo's until they start getting it right.

  2. The evidence and data are facts, anything we conclude about them is theory.  We simply weren't standing there to record what happened in the past, so we need to come up with theories to explain what we're observing.

    Gravity is a theory.  Would you throw yourself off a bridge to test it?

    Greenhouse gas warming is another theory with a lot of evidence supporting its existence and the outcomes being predicted.  For example, here's what we observe happened in the past due to high CO2 levels:

    Climate Model Links Warmer Temperatures to Permian Extinction

    "The CCSM indicated that ocean temperatures warmed significantly at higher latitudes because of rising atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. The warmer temperatures reached a depth of about 10,000 feet (4,000 meters), interfering with the normal circulation process in which colder surface water descends, taking oxygen and nutrients deep into the ocean.

    As a result, ocean waters became stratified with little oxygen, proving deadly to marine life. Because marine organisms were no longer removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, that, in turn, accelerated warming temperatures.

    "The implication of our study is that elevated [carbon dioxide] is sufficient to lead to inhospitable conditions for marine life and excessively high temperatures over land would contribute to the demise of terrestrial life," the authors conclude.

    Permian–Triassic extinction event

    It was the Earth's most severe extinction event, with up to 96 percent of all marine species and 70 percent of terrestrial vertebrate species becoming extinct. Because approximately 25 percent of species survived the event, the recovery of life on earth took significantly longer than after other extinction events. This event has been described as the "mother of all mass extinctions".

    The natural causes of warming can be the same as the human-triggered ones, we simply happen to be initiating the warming this time around.

  3. Its a theory.

    I do me - Global warming doesn't affect local temperature. (If your not updated, people like gore changed his scam-strategy by saying that.

  4. I think that because the seasons are starting make a change that people assume its due to global warming. I remember that in November we would get snow. And this year we didn't get snow WELL into January. And it's still cold. So that to me would mean that the seasons are just changing themselves. This was the COLDEST winter I remember having. And The amount of snow was unbelievable.  So yes our actions may be taking a toll on this earth, I do not think that global warming its doing what they are trying to say it is doing.

  5. Um, hows ur weather. Cuz its a fact that we had more warm days in the middle of winter than ever before. Its a fact that the weather is haywire. Why is it so hard to believe. How long have u been on this earth?
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