
How is it said in Italian?

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I will travel 2 Italy in a few weeks,but I don't know Italian that good.Write me sentences that I could say when I am for example shopping (on italian and translation),like how much does this cost....stuff like that!




  1. The important words are ..Aiuto (help)

    I need your help-- Io ho bisogno del suo aiuto

    please - per favore

    how much does it cost ? - quanto costa ?

    like this - come questo

    the same - lo stesso

    stuff like that - modello come quello

    size - taglia (european size)

    too large - troppo largo

    too thin- troppo stretto

    And don't be afraid in every shops there are clerks english -speakers from town of Florence- Italy

  2. ciao        Hi, bye

    (pronounced : CH-ou :   'ch' in 'chair' + 'ou' in 'out')

    Bongiorno    Good day (say it when you enter a store for example)

    (Bon - jor -no )

    Grazie       thank you

    (gra - tsi - eh)

    Quanto costa questo....?     how much is this....?

    (kwan-to  ko-stah  kwes-to)

    Quanto costa questo vestito?     how much is this dress?

    (kwan-to  ko-stah  kwess-to  ves-ti-to)

    Quanto costa questa gonna?     how much is this skirt?

    (kwan-to  ko-stah  kwes-tah  gon-nah?)

    Quanto costano queste scarpe?  how much do these shoes cost?

    (kwan-to  kost-ano  qwes-teh  skar-peh)

    Mi piace questa (gonna, camicetta,...feminine nouns)

    I like this (skirt, blouse  respectively)

    (pronunciation:   me pee-a-cheh  qwes-tah...)

    Mi piace questo (cappello, vestito, golf...masculine nouns)

    I like this (hat, dress, sweater  respectively)

    (pronunciation:   me pee-a-cheh  qwes-to...)

    Al centro comerciale, per favore!

    To the mall, please! (to a taxi driver)

    (Ah-L  cheh-n-to kom-err-cha-leh,  perr fa-vo-reh)

    Al hotel la plaza , per favore!

    To the plaza hotel, please! (to a taxi driver)

    (Ah-L  o-tail  La plaza , perr fa-vo-reh)

    hope this helps :D

  3. You really need a phrase book for that

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