Many of my friends find it odd that I do not want to marry and have children...I mean, I have respect for people that do, but it is just not for me. Then I would have people ask me, why am I in a relationship for if it is never going to go anywhere, it is a waste for me and the person I am with. My boyfriend is religious and he wants to get married and have children in the future....I told him straight forward that I am not looking to be tied down and have kids ever. He finds it odd and thinks that the devil is taking over my mind. Now he wants me to go to church every Sunday with him, he thinks that is going to change my way of thinking.
I don't know what to do, I told him to find someone else who wants marriage and kids, but he refuses to let me go..he keeps saying that he sees something in my eyes..the only thing that could be in my eyes is rage and anger....
So why do people have no respect for those that dont want to marry and have children?