
How is it that,not one psychic managed to predict Benazir Bhutto's assassination?

by  |  earlier

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Such a world changing event,and yet not one "prophet" or "clairvoyant"predicted it at all!Isn't that strange?




  1. I agree with resigned. Most "psychics" (I really hate that term, it's almost derrogatory these days) I know get so much that they hardly know what to do with it all. And most of them have no desire to be on the front page of the news, have no desire for glory, which is what would have to happen for us to go public with a prediction like that.

  2. wth!

    are talking about some idiotic lunatic...

    attention, glory hunter...

  3. The question should be Who didn't predict she would be assassinated? I mean come on.

    It was a given and anyone who would have made a prediction would have just been showboating. Even Bhutto herself said she would be killed. I knew it, you knew it. It wasn't  something anyone would predict if it was for sure going to happen.

  4. Hello Brendan

    What a large statement.

    So tell us how do you know that no psychic did? What is your basis for this statement?

    How seriously do you think that a psychic would be taken if she/he rang a government office to say ----.

    Maybe they choose to keep it to themselves!


  5. they didnt want to stop fate kinda thing>

  6. Why is it psychics never seem to predict anything specific at all?  The predictions only become specific in retrospect.

  7. No because it is nonsense. The religious/spiritual community has misled humans for TOO long it is all rubbish. And if you guys want to burn me for stating the obvious then do by all means|!

  8. How do you know they didn't?  I should imagine that most of them keep things to themselves instead of facing constant derision.

  9. I'm sure the bible decoders will find it backwards diagonally soon enough. Or someone will point out a Nostradamus quatraint that predicted it all along.

    It seems as though the best predictions are always realized AFTER the fact.

    Not saying that I dont believe in such things, I just think that most people dont understand and/or dont listen or perhaps these able people (not the ones you see on tv) keep such info to themselves due to fear.

  10. How do you know they didn't?

  11. I know one who did, she always gets it right.

    She stays quiet, who wants the bloody press on your doorstep saying what next ?

    Guarantee no press intrusion, then true prophets will speak.

  12. Because you did not need to be a psychic to foretell what was inevitable.

  13. Mate, that event was didn't need to be a psychic to predict that!

    *Guess what...her son is next...within the next 2-4 months he's gone as well.....I feel so sorry for their family.....

  14. you don't have to be a prophet, just pick one from three in there wild world

  15. you cant be sure one didnt.  what if some little old lady in new zealand saw it coming but didnt have anyone to tell?  and even if she did, who is to say someone would believe her?

      psychics dont opperate like you think they do sweetheart.  this isnt an exact art like math, it takes practice and patience, and there will be mistakes and stuff here in there.  math is numbers, two plus two is always going to equal four.  but the world itself is constantly changing.  circumstances that lead to one world leaders death may not lead to anothers.  **** happens.  im willing to bet at least one psychic out there saw it coming, but didnt have anyone to tell, because unless there is concrete proof, no one ever REALLY believes us psychics.  imagine how that poor persons life would change if they correctly started predicting stuff like this.  they would be under the constant microscope of the media.  any wrong move they made would get critisized.  frankly, if someone did predict it, i dont blame them for keeping it to themselves.  i wouldnt want to be known for predicting a world leaders death

  16. not strange at all, Bhutto has been geting death threats for months, i wasnt surprised at all. dont need a psychic to tell me something everybody knew was a distinct possibility?

  17. I checked to see if anyone said anything about Bhutto. Predictably, only the typical vague predictions about leaders being assassinated had been made and there was absolutely no mention of Bhutto.

    How is it that no psychic managed to predict her assassination? You know the answer as well as I do :)

    EDIT: LOL, I'm laughing at all the excuses. So, psychics don't bother with the "easy" predictions, yet they completely fail even with the more unexpected ones. Seems like they ought to start with the low hanging fruit first, just so they can have at least a little success.

  18. Because they can't predict any thing at all! It is all fake. Notice on all those Psychic commercials on TV they say: "FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY".

    Why have we never seen the head line in the news papers: Local Psychic wins Lotto?

    People who waste some times Hundreds or Thousands of dollars going to them are dumb and they are getting ripped off by an *** hole that just wants money and is trying to make people believe fake ****!

    However, believers can not be convinced otherwise, until they realize that they wasted a ton of money listening to some *** hole lie to them and none of what they said actually came true!

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