
How is it that all the muppet fortune tellers and clairvoyants don't win the lottery jackpot every week?

by  |  earlier

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Plus you never see that many of them in the bookies. Could it be that they cant see into the future after all and are just having us on - surely not




  1. ...because they are only puppets?

  2. Don't you know?  They can't use their super powers for financial gain .. apart from crossing their palms with silver!  And anyway, they never have to use contraception because they have crystal balls and they can see what's coming!

  3. Because these phonies can't even predict the weather let alone winning numbers.  Go to this site for some eye-opening details about these crooks.

  4. Ah would you tell a stranger you had won the lottery. It's a cover, all Fortune tellers only do it to pass the time and go home to their castles at the week end

  5. because its all rubbish. Just like ghosts, the Easter bunny, pixies, Ouija boards, religion and UFOs.

  6. think you answered your own question :)

  7. I would LOVE to have my fortune read out to me. Where can I find one?

  8. You must understand how it works. Firstly we have to be very careful not to be noticed when we collect our  winnings so we don't get sussed ot. We never win too much in one go so as not to get spotted and barred. Above all we do not splash out our winnings again to divert peoples attention from us. You may doubt if you like but I can sense that you are a compulsive liar. Mind you so am I.

  9. they can tell the destiny of a person, not the answers to a question like that.  they can tell a person IF they are going to win the lotto, just not how to do it.  

    they tell people events.  kinda like 'i see you having a child in 2 years'  not 'you will have s*x doggy style with bob and there is a hole in the condom'.

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