
How is it that birds can sit on power lines without being shocked but if we touch them we get shocked or even?

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How is it that birds can sit on power lines without being shocked but if we touch them we get shocked or even?




  1. Cos they aint grounded

  2. I leanred about this last year in fourth grade. What happens is that our feet is the problem. THe birds always have two feet on the power cord. That helps. But we cant touch them. If you hit the power cord in a car, and the line falls down, and your car is on fire you have to get out. But if you step, you will get electricuted, even if you are not touching the wire. yOu have to keep both feet together and either shuffle or bunny hop away from the car. I hope that helped

  3. They don't touch the ground while touching the wires, and they don't touch two at the same time, only one.

  4. Because the bird is not on the ground and touching the line at the same time.  When we touch a powerline we are making a complete circuit to ground (short circuit).

  5. Electricity looks for a path to travel to the ground. Birds on the wire don't touch the ground and the power travels right through them. If they were on the wire and touching the power pole at the same time, there would be a path for the electricity to go through them to the ground and they would get shocked. Large birds do get shocked, and killed, more often on power poles or towers because their wing span makes it more likely they would touch the line and pole at the same time. If you touch something energized while standing on the ground, and you are not insulated, you will get shocked.

    Hope this makes sense.

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