
How is it that both liberals and conservatives feel the media and news stations is biased to one side?

by Guest61597  |  earlier

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How is it that both liberals and conservatives feel the media and news stations is biased to one side?




  1. If you take the word of major network news media that their viewpoint is non-biased. I guess you really have to look and listen to what is being said. If you do, you'll soon discover there are very clever and subliminal ways of getting their liberal viewpoints across. Camera placement, choice of still photos, certain questions asked or not asked, staging, all the things used by commercials to get us to buy things.

    Stuck Between Liberalism and Conservatism

  2. If there were ever any doubts regarding which way the "mainstream" media leans, the past love/slobber fest over Obimbo's trip to Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and Europe should have settled that question.  

    He (Obimbo) even had the top anchors of the three major television networks crawling all over themselves to drool over every word spoken by the media's "messiah."  I doubt that there was ever one word of criticism of Obimbo uttered on the nightly news during the whole photo-op.

    If there is a bias towards the conservative side it is in talk radio and some of the internet news sites.  Fox news is so-so.  Liberals complain about a lack of equal time on talk radio, but it is a business and nobody wants to listen to liberal BS enough to make it pay in advertising revenue in a medium that requires that it pay to play.

    When compared to the avalanche of liberal propaganda being promulgated by the alphabet networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, etc.) and a majority of the newspapers in American cities, talk radio IS equal time.

  3. They hear what they choose to hear, either for or against their current "cause".  The news media, like all media, is interested in ratings, they report what draws ratings.  Ratings draw higher advertising dollars.  It's a business, not a branch of the government.

  4. Primarily because the Liberals who complain have noticed that the media isn't as biased as they are (meaning that the media appears "right" to them), while the Conservatives who complain have noticed that the media is very left leaning.

  5. Most people bring their own bias into the discussion. When they hear their point of view, they nod their head in agreement. Then they violently get upset when another viewpoint is given.

    Take it from a media veteran of 30 years -- both sides complain about bias. Which is a pretty good sign that it's the listeners' perception that has preconceptions, rather than the news reports themselves.

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