
How is it that illegals aliens seem to know every govt. program and other ways to squeeze their dollars more?

by  |  earlier

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I'll preface this to say, I consider(ed) myself to be quite liberal and understanding in my thoughts towards illegal workers. Until I began to work with them.

My field, the service industry hires many illegals, but until recently, I was still in the majority with other americans. Now, I amm one of very few citizens, and i've learned so much about the illegals, that I've now changed my opinions.

I'll start simply. the front and back doors are always locked at our place. Why? Because I was told that the police and ICE cannot enter a locked door.

It seems that every illegal has at least one kid while here, Automatic citizen, and they call their real spouses their boy, or girl friends. their Husbands or wives are legal citizens to whom they pay $15,000 to "marry". this ensures the paper spouse goes to court the 3-4 times nec.


They go to the ER for colds and coughs., and pay minimal if any monies. they go to dentists that work out of their garages, and they complain




  1. Well, that means that the USA system is a mess. Change it

  2. Because the reason they come here isn't to support a family or have a better life,it's to get all of the freebies.

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