
How is it that in 2008 women can still blame their own illegal acts and misdeeds on men, saying 'he made me'?

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while the courts, media, and the public in general still accept this?




  1. They lack the capacity to be accountable for themselves.  It's nothing but a ruse; when it comes to the nitty gritty of things they can't cast blame, but must take full responsibility for their own actions. Perhaps, the courts, media, and the public love a story portraying the victim more so than the way it ought to go, which is all women must be held accountable for their own actions. Here allow me to demonstrate.

    Years ago I knew of a woman who conducted a sexual act with another man; all because her husband had told her to. Every one blamed him for telling her to do it. She confessed to me the only reason she "obeyed", and here I use the term loosely, him was because the other man turned her on; otherwise she wouldn't have done it.  She was never held accountable for her lewd actions, he was forced to take 100% of the blame.  

  2. The sad truth here is that many men still use physical and sexual violence, or threats of such violence to coerce women into doing things they would  rather not do.  

    "He made me" is a flimsy excuse, but "He threatened to rape/stab/kill me if I didn't" puts it in a different light, does it not?

  3. It's BECAUSE the courts and government accept this that it still happens.  I read in my college's newspaper a few years ago back when I was still going to college where an official in the state government flat-out blamed men for most of the women's crimes that caused them to be arrested and put in jail.  He said they tended to follow boyfriends and/or husbands into crime.  Even if that's always true, can you blame men that these women are too stupid to think on their own?

  4. You're not getting an argument from me, although the poster who said "He threatened to rape/stab/kill me if I didn't" made a valid point.  Men could use that excuse too.  I have no sympathy for a woman who puts up with being abused for years and then suddenly "snaps" and turns him into chopped salsa.  She didn't have that "abused woman" "syndrome" the first time he hit her, she should have put a stop to it or left the first time.

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