
How is it that no one talks about holes in the Ozone Layer?

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  1. There probably never was one ! thinned and the press got hold of it .

  2. hah i talk about it all the time, whnever i see aresol hairspray im like "your killing the ozone layer!"

    its not good to kill it :C !

  3. out of site out of mind

  4. Mostly because the use of chloro-fluoro-carbons which were in refrigerator coolants and used as propellants in aerosols have been phased out, this means that the holes appear not to be getting any larger and thus attention has passed on to problems to which we have not as yet found satisfactory solutions.

  5. people are more bothered about the carbon footprint these days

  6. Believe it or not the ozone layer can heal itself. As such the threats of a hole in the ozone layer will be easily repaired. Now scientists needn't worry as much as they used to.

    The proof is all in this site.........

  7. Part of the reason is that the chemicals which caused the holes (CFCs) are banned and the ozone layers are slowly being repaired. They are still there, but it seems they are not getting larger and may be slowly getting smaller.

    The reason they are not being discussed is because people have short attention spans and other things have taken over, like global warming and climate change. The Ozone layer is old news and is not reported because there have been no new developments and thus is no longer news-worthy.

    A good example is bird flu. It is still as big a risk as ever, but because there have been no major outbreaks recently, it has got a lot less media exposure than it did a few years ago, when there was widespread panic about a possible epidemic. The risks are the same of that happening now as they were then, but because there have been no recent developments the media have stopped reporting it.

  8. The hole in the Ozone layer began to heal after legislation prevented the use of CFCs.

  9. We limited the amount of harmful chemicals we were using, and the hole healed itself.

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