Barrack Obama spent 20 years...TWENTY YEARS in a church that spewed racist, bigoted hatred and it is suddenly ok? Then he tries to blow it off by saying that many pastors and preachers say things that people in their church don't agree with. Huh? If my pastor started saying things against blacks, saying we should support whites, if he even made race an issue, I'd walk out. There are dozens of issues unrelated to race that if my pastor went on a rant about, I'd walk out too. I just don't get it. To say that you can't get up and leave, and have to sit there like some dolt is ridiculous and a cop out.
People act like it just doesn't matter. Week after week after week of hate and no one cares. Disregard that he's politics as usual, as is McCain (no one will change 100 years of political elitism, and besides, the president is a very tiny part of any possible change), I just can't see how people can just blow off a virtual indoctrination of race-based hatred.
How can people ignore it?