
How is it that we, the public are not told of the atrocities committed by the KLA against the Serbs?

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How is it that we, the public are not told of the atrocities committed by the KLA against the Serbs?




  1. In fact, I like the answer of CaptainA. It is well written, with a twist that drives the interpretation of events to his favor. Not to the surprise, there is one magic word that is missing in his interpretation. That is: "Escalation." What CaptainA does, is take just one fragment of the entire complexity, and label it as his "truth." Bad CaptainA, bad boy.

    I'm sure CaptainA understands the meaning of the word "Escalation." But I'm not sure from which world does CaptainA come from. In that world of his, would he have rather enjoyed being part of EU, free of depleted uranium and plus with control of Albanian businesses Europe strives for, or does he glorify the destruction and depleted uranium which came in the wave against Russia, causing the death of his dear ones? What kind of independence in the era of seeking European integrations, would be cheaper than having children with leukemia and genetic degenerations for the rest of mankind, or seeing all that and destruction in his own homeland for the rest of his intimate eternity, in some rotten backyard of USA?

    Where is he located anyway? Here in these troublesome lands where a shadow could mean a Tommahawk or a mad neighbour, or somewhere in the middle of North America, surrounded by two oceans, antinuclear shields, anticosmic underground terrains, petroleum everthirsty American ellite and all that?

    There were attrocities and war crimes in Kosovo commited by Serbs. There were Albanian raped women, great many people escaping from their villages, and quite some bad and ugly Serbian soldiers...

    But, whom do we judge first, them who exist amongst everyone's neighbours, or those who pushed them into "animal" behaviour and are still pushing because they know, surrounded by behavioral scientists, that people are like sheep?

    Was that before or after the NATO intervention? What did the NATO intervention, sillently blessed by Kofi banana, create? Why is there an international mechanism in first place, which supposely puts control over such bullies and acts of own will?

    Which were the events that led to to the human catastrophy in Kosovo? Should we trace them back to the 16th century, Tito era or after the NATO bombing as USA is trying to, in order to maturely understand why so many people lost their lives, and why there is an unsolvable political crisis today as result of an attempt to legalize a conquest over territory of a sovereign, internationally recognized country?

    Did USA support KLA for the events to escalate to their favor, having taken control of UN (or whatever UN stands for)? Would this bullying of responsibility upon the sensitive coexistential balance make them the ultimate guilty for people hurting each other, having opened door to the darkest human motives? Should USA be (morally, at least among us here in this forum) charged as the upmost criminal, with its satanically corrupted and manipulated media, depleted uranium trigger easy, politically dependent satellites and warmongering, agressive and criminal foreign policy whose only goal is to destroy and conquer?

    This is what goes against Serbs:

    Some proSerb videos:

    But, if we really want to have a mature picture, we have to go ask Noam. Nothing more, nothing less, the one and only :) : Noam Chomsky:







    This video well depicts the powers which drove the civil war in Yugoslavia:

    As we can see, we are told. But, the critical question is how much we want to hear, how much are we motivated to search for complex truths and how much have we fallen under the influence of those whose only motives are power and control. That is the science of it...

    Long live Noam Chomsky :)

  2. Because public opinion must be created, controlled and manipulated whenever it's needed. Just in case, we don't need to know about those terrorists. They are not even named properly, so when Albanians from Kosovo attempt  terrorist attack on US territory for example, newspapers call them: people from ex Yugoslavia.

  3. Because all the American and the majority of the European media are under the control of the USA and the British political-financial interests.

    And because there are millions of simple minded people who care to believe in them.

  4. The KLA did commit some crimes. But it was not their policy to do so, it was done by rogue individuals whom the central leadership of the KLA had little control over. You see the KLA was a splinter faction and very small in numbers even Ibrahim Rrugova was againts them in the beginning.  But the Serbian brutal tactics made them heroes of Kosovar people and all sorts of fighters all got franchised under the KLA and made the KLA the official anti-Serb defense, a few where criminals, and few may have been extremists but the KLA was fighting a much stronger enemy and trying to protect civilians and had little time for regulating it's ranks. The truth of the matter was 99% of KLA men were honorable men that risked their lives to free the people that the Serb brutal regime with tanks and heavy artillery was trying to a destroy them. The USA regocnized that and came to their aid. Look at the end result over 10,000 Albanians died in the conflict, and about 1300 Serbs so it is evident who commited more killings and it was not the KLA by far.



  5. The Civic Participation section was not created for people to post rants with regards Civil Wars.

    By "we the public" just who do mean??

    If you are inferring back to the recent Yugoslavian war you have to remember which country instigated and started the conflict.

    It was Serbia, the country that most people have forgotten started WW1!!

    All sides did many terrible things in the name of their nationalities, the Balkans are an open sore going back centuries.

  6. Greeks are very well informed about the atrocities commited against Serbs, under the coverage of U.N.

    And that's why they are always pro Serbs.

  7. If you are relying on the mainstream news media to give you free information, then you will only get what they want to give you.

    Look at who owns the news media.

    Now look at the members list of the Council on Foriegn Relations. (See thier web site).

    They are all there.

    These folks make the policy that effects your life in what you hear or see on the news media - print, television and newpaper.

    When you add in the politics at the CFR, combined with the news media, it becomes clear how the lack of news coverage on important issues is glazed over.

  8. Because the Serbs are largely Christian and the KLA largely Islamic / Muslim.  It is as simple as that - Christian bad \ Islam good.  Politically correctness to the end...that is the left wing mantra.

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