
How is it that while women on average make only 77% of what men make- yet most tv advertisement is targeted..?

by Guest60204  |  earlier

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towards women!? Somewhere around 70% is what the number I've heard.

How does the math work on this? How are companies able to find this profitable?

Or.. is the answer "women spend men's money" ? And in that case, how do so many women get off still complaining about financial and job opportunities and such-- while they're not hesitating to spend men's money at such (obviously) great frequencies?




  1. Despite strides taken, women are still considered inferior in the

    work place--- less wages, have to work twice as hard with less

    chance of advancement within the company.

    They are also considered to be the most susceptible to ads.

    And most likely to impulse shop. So the ads are aimed at women

    and children.

    This is why I haven't got and won't get a TV. Besides the

    general bad stuff on there that is.

  2. The advertisements are aimed at the "typical" audience which would be a married couple with a few kids living in the 'burbs.  The reality is that there is a 50 percent divorce rate.  Most often children are left in the custody of the mother.  At work employers will not offer her the same opportunities as they would her male counterpart.  

    But I'm not sure that anyone would ever say that commercial reflect reality.  I don't know about you but that shampoo is not making my hair shinier or stronger.  The food never looks as good as it looks on tv.  And so on.

  3. I would think you might be talking about groceries because I see groceries and cleaning products still being marketed mainly to women.  The woman is happy with her new duster.  The woman is happy with her new mop.  The woman is happy that her kids like the new orange drink (fortified with vitamin C).  The woman is happy that the kids' medicine made them feel better.  The woman is happy that her family enjoyed a casserole that was easy to make.

    Though I do agree that the vast majority of ads that tell people they need to buy products to look their best are targeted to women.

  4. Because most women are married to those guys who make all that money. Most women do the shopping for their families. Women shop for things they "want" more often then men. Men usually only go shopping if they need something or to by electronics... Notice most electronics commercials are geared toward men? Cars & Trucks- men... Sporting equipment- men... Vacation spots with golf coarses-men... That's the kinda stuff men spend money on when they go shopping, The women usually buy the toothpaste... Right?

  5. It depends on when you are watching TV and what the programs are.  If you watch NFL football, much of the advertising is for beer or cars - definitely directed at men.

    If you watch SpongeBob Squarepants, much of the advertising will be for snack foods, cereal and toys.

    So my question to you is....what programs are you watching?

  6. That's why I don't watch tv, everything is bullshit. I can't sit there and listen to the canned laughter, idiotic cliques and 20 mins of ad breaks telling me what I need to be a better person. Turn off the rot box and pick up a book.

    I have more important things going on in my life than to worry about how other people spend their money; maybe you should do the same.

  7. No it is because we are buy groceries and cleaning supplies, not cars and $100 ballgame tickets.  My hubby and I pretty much split things 50/50. I pay rent, utilities, groceries and things for our dogs and he pays insurance, car payments, cell phones, TV, internet, land phone, and fun things.  It really comes out pretty even.

  8. Wow Thing had a sexist statement right off the bat.  I wonder how she'd react if we said men could do something better just like that.  Oh I know, she'd get offended and call us out.  I love hypocrisy.

    Anyway, married couples tend to combine their money, and women are generally the ones who do more shopping for the majority of things that are advertised most often, like groceries for example.  I've also heard that women are the bigger TV watchers, so that also influences the advertising.  It doesn't make sense to show a lot of lipstick commercials during Monday Night Football, for instance, because more viewers are men for that show.  Likewise, if more viewers are women, you'll want to show more commercials aimed at them, which includes the types of ads you mentioned in your extra details.

    Unmarried women make roughly equal salaries to unmarried men, and in many cases they make more, so they have about the same spending power as men in that case.  That's something you never hear about, because people like to cover it up and do a good job of it, but it's true.

  9. Well, women dont earn less just because, but generally women do the shopping, and spend more of the income.

    So of course the ads will target women.

  10. Women are more con-vincible; we're more easily swayed, some more so than others..

  11. This sweeping generalization that women only make 77% of what men make is questionable at best.  

    •According to ABC News, one third of married women now earn more than their spouses.  

    •Federal & state statutes have long ago outlawed such a discriminatory practice.  

    •In those instances where such is the case, it's due either seniority rules, where women have not been working long enough to earn top pay or, women elect to perform jobs that are less dangerous, fewer hours, or don't involve extensive travel or other working conditions they find objectionable.

    •And what I really find egregious here are those women earning as much or more than me, refusing to ever cover their half of the tab on a date, or feeling any need to propose a date.  

  12. The funny thing about averages is that it doesn't take into account how many women there are who are actually earning as much as men doing the same job. Single women with no children or with grown children are likely to earn as much as men who do the same job they do.  

  13. Women buy most of the groceries. That is the highest expense other that rent or mortgage. Most of us don't like doing all the shopping, cleaning, cooking...the lucky ones find men who will help with these tasks.  

  14. The answer is simple ~ women are much better at managing their money than men, obviously.

    Also, women will do without other things ~ including food, in order to save for something they want, whereas men cannot do without the latest toys and gadgets.

    And, let's not forget that a lot of that advertising is targeted not at what women want for themselves, but at things like grocery savings for family needs, men's and kid's clothing and other needs, health care, home care products and so on ...

    Cheers :-)

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