
How is it there in Ireland??

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Hi. Does anyone live in Ireland or ever visited there? How is it there? I've always been very interested about Europe, specifically Ireland because of its beauty and the nice people there!! and the music, Celtic Woman, is so awesome!!




  1. I haven't been but my sister has. I became a bit envious once I saw the pictures. The countryside is just gorgeous. She camped there for a week or so and said she had a great time. Once I move back home to Europe I am going to vacation there.

  2. hi! its grand here at the moment, the weather is a bit cold, but still sunny at the same time.

  3. Grand now, not a bother on us.

  4. I am irish, it is very nice. The weather is not very reliable but the secenry is brilliant. The Irish people are not that nice the boom of the economy has diminshed frienliness somewhat. In fact as most of service is comprised of foreign nationals ypu will probably meet more polish people than Irish.

    I know I am giving a bad view of Ireland but not really I still recommend you com to Ireland as it is beatiful and there are still many friendly people

  5. it's grand is it where you are? :D

  6. It's savage!

  7. well i'm half Irish and i'm going there in a couple of months to visit some aunts, uncles, and cousins ... if i had already been, i would tell you, but since i haven't i guess i'll have to awnser it when i get back. lol. sry. but i'll get back to ya !

  8. Its all Foreigners Including the people who will disagree with this post. It has become a criminal greedy sesspool Rip off country

  9. Hiya I'm Irish tis nice here, weather is a wee bit crappy, but it's sunny, but cold at the moment (not raining) so that's good, you should come over and visit, there's loads to see, some beautiful sights. I live in Dublin but have traveled alot around the country.

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