
How is it to fly on your own?

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So yeah, I'm flying on my own for the first time in a few days from the US to Europe... I'm 17 so I think I'm too old to ask for assistance...

I've flown before but never by myself...

I'm nervous of flying to begin with... I just need some help how to stay calm and find my way around the airport to my flight and get home!!




  1. its much easier than you think - don't be nervous, you'll be fine!

    I think its fun travelling on your own, just make sure you know where you need to be and when and you'll have no trouble.

    I wouldn't worry about asking for assistance, most people, staff and travellers will be happy to point you in the right direction. If you can, memorise a few faces when you check in then you'll recognise them when you board and you'll know your in the right place.

    Get a muffin at starbucks - always makes you feel better ;)

    (the worst part of flying by yourself is watching funny films on the plane, it's so embarassing when you just laugh to yourself!)

  2. dude what kind of question is that....

    If this is your first cant go over the ocean....

    omg wow like do you not have a brain

    your 17 so that means you have need the atpl or cpl to do it

    and what are you gonna fly..and cessna 172 across the ocean?

    give me a break

  3. Flying on your own for the first time can be a bit daunting,but remember there always folk around to help.

    When you get to the airport look for 'Departures' The planes that are leaving.Which will be yours.

    ( 'Arrivals' are the folk coming in)

    Your ticket will have all the info you need.The Airline, flight number,time of departure.

    All of your bags will need to go through a security check, but if you have flown before you will remember this.Once everyone is satisfied you and your bags are safe you can head for 'check in'.

    In front of you will be a line of desks.Each with the name of the Airline you are flying with above them. Say you are flying with British Airways for instance,you would head for their desks.

    Above each of these desks will be a screen saying the flight number and where it is going to.But once you are in the right area there will be people in the airline uniforms anyway.Just ask where you should go.

    They will tell you what queue to get in.

    Wait for your turn and the rest is easy.They will ask for your passport, ask if you packed the bag yourself,they will weigh it( if it's above the correct weight you could well end up paying excess baggage)

    Once your suitcase has been taken off you you will be left with just your hand-luggage. You will be given a boarding card (when they hand the passport back) The info on the card will be your gate number (where your flight is leaving from) and your seat number.

    Ask the check-in person which way you head from here.

    Again you will come to a security check. Your hand-luggage and you will be checked. Once you are through this you can look around the 'Duty-free' shopping area  or head straight to your gate number, where there will be a place to sit until your flight is called.

    When the gate is open another queue will form and they will ask for your passport and send you through to your flight. Keep your boardring card handy as you will need the number of your seat.

    When you get to the entrance to the plane the card may be taken from you or looked at and you will be shown which side of the plane your seat is. Find your seat,they are all numbered, sit and relax, you did it. Have a nice flight.

    Don't be afraid, just keep asking for help and there will be plenty of people around to show you the way.

  4. Airports are really easy to navigate, there are huge signs everywhere directing you where to go. But if you need help, there are always people around to ask. Don't be nervous!

    On the plane, make sure you bring an iPod or a book to read or whatever you have. It helps a lot to make the time go by faster. I do crossword puzzles because I am a nerd :)

  5. I am 15 years old and I fly alone all the time! There is no need to be nervous, thousands of flights take-off and land every day! Flying is lots of fun. Airports are very easy to navigate these days! There are lots of maps and directories around. The gates are easy to find because the gate number is right above the gate. And your not too old to ask for help, I do all the time. You will want to bring a magazine to read, its also a good idea to bring a portable music player and gum for when your ears start popping. Flying is safe and fun so stop worrying and have a great time in Europe!  (I'm going there next year)

  6. My kids were both flying alone (or with each other) by the time they were 12, even with a stop over.  Flying is really pretty cool.  Bring a book or a magazine, some gum to chew during takeoff.  Wear comfortable clothes.  You might experience some swelling but that will go away once you land.  Take a nice nap.  Even if you don't sleep, sitting back with your eyes closed listening to the engines drone could be very relaxing.  It is for me.  And it's one time when I don't have to feel guilty for just sitting there.  There are signs in the airports, and people to direct you.  It's a new exciting experience, and it's natural to be wary of the unknown.  

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