
How is it to live in a mobile home?

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How is it to live in a mobile home?




  1. They're fine, depending on the size, like a two, or three bedroom apartment, but with a little more privacy.  

    If you live in a trailor park, some of the tenants are real jerks.  I guess thats where the phrase "Trailor Court Trash" comes from.

  2. It sucks, don't do it.

  3. It is ok accept when your trying to sleep and the driver hits a big bump or has to stop real fast. That kind of sucks.

  4. That all depends on the neighborhood it is located on.  Mobile homes can be really nice inside, especially the newer ones.  But it doesn't matter how nice it is inside if the trailer park is trashy and ran down.

  5. When hurricanes hit it's awsome. As long as you have a beer in hand. :)

  6. My sister and her husband lived in a mobile home for a while. I personally thought it was a little cozy and nice for just hanging out and watching movies, but it's not really good for parties of more than a few people.

    It's easy to keep clean, as there's usually little space. Although it can be easy to get cluttered, if you have a lot of STUFF. So, it really depends.

    I wouldn't recommend living in a mobile home forever, but it's a good way to start. (:

  7. Actually I enjoyed my double wide.It does take some adjustments on your part but otherwise ok.Now the downside,park managements.In so many parks the management will tell you anything you want to hear.Once the lease is signed they give you a book of rules about 3" thick.

    I would live in another but never in a park again.

    Good Luck

  8. Depends on the size and how well it is taken care of. I had a 28x80 doublewide for 11 years and it was great. Mobile homes use every bit of available space. If I ever build a house, I will use a mobile floorplan.

  9. Theres nothing wrong with a MH, if you take care of it.  Anyone thast berates you for living in one has attitude issues, besides whos opinion REALLY counts at the end of the day anyway?

  10. a mobile home is very comfortable to live in and most double wides are as big as homes.

  11. I'm in one and it's fine. I could wish they'd used better materials but then I'm a bit fussy when it comes to structural stuff. I'd never use any of those particle board things if I were building, but lots of stick built homes do too. I bought mine with the lot it's on. If I were ordering a new one I'd have a different floor plan but this one's very comfortable and the floor plan does make good use of the space there is.  I also wish mine had eaves as I'm in a rainy climate area. I would happily get another, especially if I was buying new. You really can't beat them for the price if what you want is an economical place to live. I wouldn't be crazy about a park, don't like paying rent.

  12. totally awesome.

  13. Just like living in a house.

  14. i would say comfortable they look really nice inside !

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