
How is it to live in ontario canada?

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  1. I LOVE Ontario and Canada (aside from the weather) is to me, one of the best places in the world to live.  I've travelled many different places and although, I have to admit, one day, I would like to live in the sun beside the ocean, I always gain an appreciation for Ontario, specifically and Canada in general when I'm away from it because it makes me realize all that we have.

    I'll try and summarize the pros and cons as I see them.

    Pros: Great diversity - Lots of multicultural activities. You can go to see belly-dancing performance one night, a Chinese New Year celebration, or any one of a number of diverse performances, concerts etc.

    -we have every type of restaurant imaginable and there are a lot! - Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, African, Morrocan - you name it and we've got it

    - there are quite a variety of occupations here, it's driven by the government jobs but there are many types of occupations to choose from and a lot of different types of businesses

    -Ontario is beautiful! - we have many, many parks, lots of outdoor and indoor activities all year round. It's very green and picturesque in the summer, beautiful reds and oranges in fall, sparkly white in the winter, and lots of fragrant trees and shrubs blooming in the Spring

    -There are many educational institutions whether you want to learn a craft, take tae kwon do, paint or study physics. There are courses to take all year round.

    I couldn't understand anyone ever being bored here because there is just so much to do.

    -medical care is covered - that is a big plus!!

    Cons: weather sucks in winter - too cold, winters too long (unless you love to ski or snow board and other winter activites), which I don't...

    - job wages are not keeping up with the cost of living. So that's one big problem. The rents are fairly high and the minimum wages are fairly low.

    -also, job hunting can be frustrating unless you are bilingual - English/French - most jobs dealing with the public, in any aspect, require you to be bilingual

    - even though medical care is free, there is a shortage of medical doctors - it's next to impossible to find a doctor who's accepting new paitents so people have to rely on walk-in clinics where they don't take appointments and it's based on 1st come, 1st serve basis. There tend to be long waits. Also, there can be long waits for health diagnostic equipment like MRI's and sometimes long waits for operations

    -finally 14% tax on purchases - that really sucks!

  2. its a great place. i love it here and i have lived here my whole life!! besides some winters it amazing!

  3. Vancouver is better a bit warmer, green there, and lots of culture but I've heard ontario is good:S

  4. Ontario, Canada was a great place to grow up.  I don't want to write a book so I have included a website with facts about Ontario that you may find useful.

  5. Just like living anywhere else; you make it a point to see and experience the good and understand that there are some cons to living in any place, really.

    It does no good whining about the weather; enjoy the snow, take up some winter activity, even if it's just walking and watching the cars do their impersonation of curling rocks.

    Equally, complaining about the 14% tax (6% GST and 8% PST) will not make it go away.

    Different places have different measures of taxation, different weather challenges and other social/political matters to deal with. I think you'll find that living in Ontario is, fundamentally, no different, really, from living elsewhere. People work, buy food, pay bills, raise families and so on.

  6. I have to agree with almost everyone.  Ontario is a great place.  We usually get a fair bit of snow but it is colder in other parts of Canada.

    The tax is actually 13% - 8% provincial and 5% GST.

  7. winter is cold i heard ....

    but otherwise its a pretty good place .....

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