
How is karate fun to you?

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i dont understand really. i always wanted to learn it, and ever since i started taking up karate, it just seems to get more boring each day

im 15 years old, maybe my mind is just still maturing about things and i keep making everything seem like such an effort besides sitting on my @$$ all day.

how is karate fun? like when i take it its ok but before i took it, it seemed like it was going to be amazing and i wanted to take it so bad, now that i take it, its like, eh , same thing every day, this is kind of boring.. whats going on? just my mindset because im young?




  1. You probably have a boring school? Are you friends with anybody in the class, how long have you even been taking it? Besides karate isn't supposed to be "fun" its supposed to be tuff and disciplined your supposed to get you **** rocked in karate class. My karate classes are "fun" because i get a kick out of the tradition and getting to hit people and having to do push ups and hearing the stories the senseis tell. If you don't like that kind of stuff karate might not be for you, which is fine, you might even what to find a diffrent school in your area. Keep at it even if you think its boring its defintly worth even if it dosent seem like it. Good luck.

  2. You may just have a boring school. Talk to your sensei about it.

  3. Try Kung Fu...BORING!  At least in Karate you get to use your fists and feet.  Kung Fu it's always stupid weapons, I'll never use a machete in a real fight.

    I since started taking Karate and It gets really boring...but I like learning some cool new move all the time.  If I keep it up I know I'll be a badass.

    Just stick with it, you'll be happier you did then quitting.

  4. Well, maybe Karate isn't the martial art for you. There are hundreds of martial arts out there, you just need to find the one you like best. I take boxing and brazilian jiu jitsu, and I lovr it! Boxing as we all know is a hand art, but i take CM boxing, which is boxing modified for mma. And brazilian jiu jitsu is a submission grappling art.

    I'm pretty sure most people expect to learn something out of there mind, in karate based off movies and tv shows. in reality, it teaches you how to survive. Not Hopping 20 ft in the air.

  5. "Spectacular achievements come from unspectacular preparation." - HOF QB Roger Staubach

    You are right that your mind is still maturing but you are very mature to recognize that fact.  The newness of karate has worn off and now you are realizing that it can be a lot of hard work sometimes.  However, you have to work through those times to have success.

    That doesn't only apply to karate, it applies to all aspects of life.

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