
How is life in America hot or not?

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How is life in America hot or not?




  1. I'm surprised how few people will stand behind their country like these ones seem to be doing. Or not doing I should say. I will admit, America has gone downhill and quite a lot over the last decade. But these people who have given up hope and are doing nothing to help even try to fix the problems are partly, is not mostly to blame for this. Everyone here in the US lately, for the past decade or so, have an, "I don't care" attitude towards the world. They are almost lazy about anything happening outside their own little box. I will be the first to say this and always the first to point out the bad in a lot of things and a lot, a lot of people. But at the same time I am also the first to say, "It's bleak and grime but that doesn't make it hopeless." And I feel that's very much true.

    For many people, gangs, ignorants, naive ones, immature ones, and down right all around stupid ones, America is probably brilliantly terrific. Because it's a, "hot spot", to get drunk, to get drugs, and to laid. For the rest of us, the very few that are none of the above and have no interest in any of the above, it is not. And it--this, needs fixing. And you know something? I'm sure if the right person get elected for president this year, this November, things will be fixed. Finally. And I hope they do.

    Much luck to you.

  2. I was born & raised in America, & it's NOT hot. It's overrated. Nothing special.

  3. life in america is not good.i dont like it here.

  4. Loads of poor , gas wanting, job losing Americans here.

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