
How is life in Australia for Asian Immigrants?

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My friend is thinking of continuing her Nursing Higher Education Degree in Australia. And maybe having a part time work as a Nurse. I'm unsure of what to tell her as she asked me how Aussies view Asians from Third World Countries? What should I tell her?




  1. australia is very accepting of all cultures, and there are loads of asian immigrants here. she'll be treated very well especially if shes working as a nurse.

  2. Aussies are very accepting of people from all cultures. Asians in particular have been in Australia almost as long as White europeans and almost every country town boasts a chinese or asian restruant. In Melbourne our Lord mayor is Chinese immigrant, John So and he is very much loved. Tell your friend the secret to enjoying her stay in Australia is to make friends and even if her english needs work to have a go. Most Austraians will be happy to help.

  3. hmm well.. australia is generally a very non racist country i think. most of the time.

    and there are a lot of asians here so yeahh..

    but at school people seem to make fun of asians quite a bit. but hopefully thats just at school and not out at work and things like that.


  4. Great! As long as she likes a beer, the beach and barbies

  5. Tell her if she speaks english she won't have any problems.

    I've been hung up on many times at work because people call up and say "nihaa" (their word for hello) and I say SPEAK ENGLISH... so they hang up... if you speak english you will get respect, if not, you will probably get asked how you got into the country and to LEARN ENGLISH... I think thats the general concensus... but yes we do need more nurses so tell her she will more than likely be welcomed

  6. Australia is multicultural. Everyone blends in as well as each other. It is Asians and all other immigrants that shape the country. Without them, our country wouldn't be how it is today.

    Australians are very accepting of other races and are friendly. Like other countries, however, there will be a small group that will disagree. These cases, are however, came across rarely.

    I hope this helps and I wish your friend all the best in Australia!

    From your Aussie friend,


  7. Australia or any other country will view Asians as what the Asians would like them to be simplify matters I live in New Zealand and I am a sort of Asians, with my hard work and my ethics I set an example for the kiwis to respect me... so my message to your friend have confidence and don't be scared...

  8. Just put it this way, other countries would be more cruel to Asians than Australia would be.

    There are HEAPS of Asians over here, and some people may make fun of them, but that would in no way affect job opportunities or living or anything else like that. Everyone has the same rights and I respect them. I mean, they're no different to us really.

    Aus is a multi cultured country. We're not usually racist. I know I'm not =]

  9. It will be what she makes of it ,if she doesn't want mix and enjoy Australia then probably not really the place for her ,Australian's love nothing more than for people from other countries to come here and embrace and love our way of life just the way we do.

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