
How is life in Denmark ? How much money does a family need to live a good life ? I am interested in Aalborg !?

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I would like to know things about Denmark in general and Aalborg in particular both from locals and from people who relocated from other countries. Thank you very much !




  1. very expensive... but they pay is high.. so is the taxes..

    Electrionic is cheap but cars are anstronic expensive...

    i would recomend copenhagen as a city :)

    there is a lot of welfare too, free healthcare free education (you get paid to go to school)

    good if you have kids ect

  2. expensive. Thats why many economical Danes have moved to Malmo, Sweden.

    Aalborg. there is some kind of canal (for shipping) in Aalborg and a brand of Danish Aquaqvit (bitters) named Aalborg..not very nice stuff to drink.

    Its very provincial from my understanding. Not exactly the center of Danish civilization. SO you might need slightly less money that CPH. But as for how much... I'd say still quite a lot. Considering the tax rate and cost of food, having a car in Denmark.

    here's any easy answer to your question. look in the economist magazine (which you probably read) at the GDP per head in Denmark. Take that figure... hold on I'll look it up for you...(sigh) ......$60,800 =294,816.60 DKK....thats how much you need on average for a good life....

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