
How is life in Vietnam compared to North Korea?

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any similiarites or differences?




  1. On a trip to Ho Chi Minh city (formerly Saigon) I was impressed by the cheerfulness and friendliness of the ordinary people in the streets. Everyone seemed positive and was looking forward to making it by starting some kind of enterprise. Whether it was owning a new motorcycle(used to ferry people about like a taxi) or opening a barbershop. There was a buzz in the air and I was entranced by it all.

    Visit this place if you have a chance.You will not regret it. Vietnam reminds one of Thailand's smiling people.

    From what I can gather this is not the way it is in North Vietnam which still suffers from the sort of crude dictatorial form of communism that was in vogue in the old Soviet Union in the sixties.

  2. It is a communist nation. In terms of economy growth, Vietnam is the next China. If you do not believe it, just go to Walmart, Sears, ... and check a few different product lables. You will find out how many products we have been importing from Vietnam.

    As to North Korea, it is like China 40 years ago, completely closed itself to the outside world. It will continue to be that way. It will never be united with South Korea even though Uncle Sam would like to have it merged into South Korea eventually  to isolate China.

  3. My former Vietnamese doctor's husband is currently working in North Korea. My doctor is based in Ha Noi. From what my former doc says, NK might not be such a neat place to be - VN is a much more pleasant environment! I believe her! I lived in Ha Noi for 4 years and I loved it! NK might be a whole different experience!  

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