
How is math used in billiards?

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i am doing a school project on how math is used in billiards plz give me all the info u have.





    if you watch hockey did you know that the REDWINGS WILL KICK THE PENGUINS ARS

  2. I play billiards myself and mathematics is used to get your angles right, such as if you are planning to play a "Cannon" shot which is hitting YOUR cue ball onto one ball then following through to hit the other.

    Thanks Morgan 15

  3. In the most ideal treatment of billiards, it is strictly geometry and basic physics. The geometry will tell you what path the balls will travel along after they collide (tangent line) and after they bounce off a cushion (angles of incidence and reflection). You can also calculate the angle you need to hit a ball to get it in the pocket by drawing triangles. There's a lot more advanced stuff, but I'll let you work that out for your own grade.

  4. Its more physics than math.

  5. its the use of the angles and action and reaction of what will happen if you hit a ball at a certain angle with a certain force

  6. What is 15 divided by 6 ?

  7. Depends on which game you are playing.

    I'll use just one as an example... "Rotation Pool".

    Beginning with the 'one' ball they are pocketed in order. If two players are playing, after the last ball is made each player add up the numbers of the balls they made and the player with the highest total wins the game.

    That's the 'plus' side.

    The 'minus' side is for the fouls you commit.

    It would take too long to explain multiplication and divisions of this game.

    I really don't think this is going to be helpful to you. If for any reason you really understand this, explain it to me, will you. LOL

    Just yankin' your chain here, buddy. Have a great day.


  8. the balls have numbers so you need to pocket them in the right order of counting (1,2,3, etc) and that is surely is math..

  9. The two most important elements in billiards, or pool, are geometry and physics.  Geometry comes into play because a pool table can be broken down into quadrants by intersecting lines running from the diamonds, or dots, to other diamonds on the table.  Angles come into play when shooting a bank-shot, or calculating position.  Physics is involved in the game of pool because of speed, spin, inertia, and other things that have to do with how you contact the cue-ball, how the cue-ball contacts another ball, and how the cue-ball and other balls carom(bounce) off the rails.  Other physics properties come into play,also, like squirt, throw, friction, momentum, slide, etc.

  10. You start with $100, we play 5 games, you leave with $0.  You can fill in the blanks :)  I'm just messing around, but seriously it would probably go a lot like that... haha

  11. the dimonds on the side of the table help you. You have to use a mathimatical system to hit three of the sides of the table befor you hit the ball

  12. well the only thing with math that is used in billiards is Geometry and it's dealing with angles.

    Like how to angle a shot so that it goes in. Thats pretty much it it has nothinkg to with numbers

  13. In all honesty, saying that geometry is all there is to billiards, is nothing more than fraudulent. It is a combination of math, true, geometry, physics, etc...

    The way it is played relies heavily on the conditions that relate to the table, as an example...

    According to the theory of dividing the angle, hitting the cueball from the corner pocket to the second diamond on the long rail, should pocket the cueball in the side, but... if you hit it too hard, the cueball will impact the cushion with such a force, that it will be drove into the cushion, slightly, causing the rebound angle to be narrower than planned. If the cueball is hit too softly, the rebound angle will be wider, thanks to the phenomenon of "throw".

    The environment also has a profound effect on the way a table plays, such as... a higher humidity will cause the table to be damp, therefore creating a more pronounce initial effect of any type of ball action, but will also cause the cueball to lose action sooner, due to an increase of friction. A dry table will play slightly different.

    Condition of the cloth, changes the WHOLE entire game. Newer faster cloth ( Simonis, for one ), the balls will retain a larger amount of English ( sidespin ), but the effects will be less, due to the decreased amount of friction.

    The cushions, themselves also can change the way a table plays... The firmer the cushion, the sharper the angle of rebound, etc...

    Once you study your stuff, you'll find out that geometry really only plays a minuscule role in the game of pool / billiards. If you wish to succeed at either, you instead need to have a good grasp on physics.

  14. Angles, velocity, friction, physics ,gambling.  I'ts all math.

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