
How is my cat taking litter out of her litter box and making a pile then pooping on it?

by  |  earlier

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This is very strange. I have no idea why she does this or even how! It doesn't happen often but once in awhile when I go downstairs I will see a little pile of litter outside of the box and there is p**p sitting on top of the pile. I couldn't understand how she did this... but I just when downstairs and saw about 6 feet from the litter box a little pile of litter and her p**p on top. How in the world does she get a neat pile of litter that far from the box???? I also don't know why she will do this. her litter box is clean and I have not changed the kind of litter. I doesn't bother me that much cuz it is easy to clean... I just can't understand HOW she does this!!!!




  1. If the basement floor is not carpeted, I'm sure she is tossing it out of the box, (they can throw the stuff pretty far if they have a mind to). Then she will probably push it around with her paws til she gets it JUST RIGHT.

    I agree with the other poster that said you should set up a camera. It would probably be hysterical.

  2. same way my cat does it.

    my cat scrapes/digs a hole with her paws, she pushes so hard that the litter goes flying out of the box and makes a pile on the floor. . . then when she decided that the area she dug wasnt good enough for a poo, she goes out of the box in the pile she makes.

    i dont really know why, but maybe if you have a smaller box (like i do) get a bigger one, maybe there isnt enough room for your cats liking.

  3. I would get a camera and film her .... you would win a million dollars for something like that.

    Sounds like someone else is fooling around with you.

    Give the cat 2 diffent choices of litter.

    But I think it is someone messing with your head.  You will never know unless you set up a camera!

    6 ft away is too far for a cat to carry litter that is why I think it is a person

  4. This is not an answer to your question, but I thought it was funny. We would often come home in the afternoon and were unable to find one of our Schnauzers. Finally we found her....balled up in the cat's litter box as if it were her bed. She did this off and on...and it was quite disgusting.

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