
How is my position in these pictures?

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I am 16 and 5' 1" this pony is 4 years old and about 44". He is still very green but has a good natural striding and overall jump.

Here are two pictures from yesterday as we did some schooling. I know I am slightly over jumping but I think that is mostly because of his size. Any other constructive criticism is welcome.




  1. You're a bit ahead of him.  Try shortening your stirrups a hole and work on bending forward rather than standing up and leaning at your horse.  Overall, I think you're pretty good.  You may want to release a bit more, also.  Good job.

  2. I think that the only thing you need to work on is adjusting to his size. That'd probably fix any over jumping problem that you have.

  3. the only thing i see is that your in front of of him like u said. u look pretty good other than that. :-)

  4. very good but because you are soo tall i would suggest sliding back just a little more to make it look flowier. not just like you are trying to take over the top of your pony. YOUR PONY IS ADORABLE BTW!!!!! haha.. well anyway. and i would also say keep your elbows in a little more just to balance yourself a little more!! and try shortening your stirrups just a little to make your knee bend more to make you seat overall prettier!!

    hope i helped!!!!!!!

  5. wow he is a beautiful pony

    i don't ride english so i would'nt know but looks good to me

  6. Maybe a little more wight in your heels, and if you want to be real picky your lower leg slipped back just a little, but both of those will probably correct themselves once you get used to jumping him.

  7. you two look good.

  8. over all i think its pretty like to see your heel down more and you relax your shoulders and back over the jump but other than that good job i love how your not exaggerating your crest release like most riders do today.

  9. Ok, so you're over-jumping but your upper body has nice form. Good job. Try to work on bringing your knees in so they are pointing straight ahead instead of out to the side and your feet should also be parallel to the horse's side and not pointed away from the horse's side. Think 'inside of leg stretched down through the heel' instead of back of leg  - to eliminate that twisting.

  10. Cute pony...I saw a simular one for sake in Florida. I wonder if it is the same on lol.

    I sure hope my position is that good. The only SMALL thing I saw is I think you have a bit to much foot in the stirrup. I may be the angle of the picture though. :) I so wish Iwas your height xP I am 5'8 and wnna trai ponies soooooooooo bad. I HATE riding big horses (by hate I mean dislike compared to ponies xD) I wish I could fit on this 13.2hh paint pony named Pocahauntus :( Oh, well...anyways keep up the good work ^^

  11. My only insight is for you to not jump ahead of him as much and shorten your stirrups a hole or two - they look dressage length! :P  Keep your heels down (shortening the stirrups should help that), and point your toes forward.

    Over all, very nice! :) Cute pony <3

  12. I think you're leaning foward too much. I know it's necessary to lean foward while jumping, but not THAT much! Other than that: Bravo!

  13. Two things:  

    1.  I think you should shorten your stirrups a notch or even two.  You don't have enough bend in the knee, which is making you bend too much at the hip, or overjump.  It's also keeping you from getting your heels down as far as they should be.  Are you riding in soft shoes?  That's also contributing.

    2. Nice hands.  The second photo has a classic crest release, with your arm, hand, and rein forming a "W" from the horse's mouth to you.  The first photo has a lovely full release - raise your hand about an inch for the perfect straight line from bit to elbow, and you're there.

  14. your possition looks great to me except you are leaning over him a little to much GOOD LUCK

  15. you do have good position going over jumps and your pony is beautiful

  16. he looks superb for being that green. just make sure you dont over jump him because he's so young.

    the first picture you didnt release at all, you just pointed your elbows out. and you heels could be lower. but your off his back so thats good.

    second picture. you really didnt fold much, your kind of standing. okay release but it could be better. and your leg slipped back a little. but your back is nice and flat, and your off his back. you could do with shortening your stirrups, that would probably help.

    i know trainers teach differntly, but what i said, is the way im taught, so no offense and stuff xP

  17. you look the part !!

    as for over jumping - it does look that way but i dont know

    both photos seem professional and show you as very attractive

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