
How is my singing? Should I audition?

by  |  earlier

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I am wondering if I should audition for a solo in a singing competition.

Here is a link of sample:

What do you think? Do I have a shot?




  1. You have potential. Don't quit!

  2. I think you could have a shot if you practice a little more. Make your voice smoother. It sounds a bit like you are trying to force vibrato, so don't do that. Let it come naturally. =]

  3. i think you should do less vibrato and more onto getting onto pitch and really getting it right. and try not to fade in and out so much, and always remember to sing it with feeling, with passion. that's the most important. if you get that right, everything else will fall into place.

  4. Nice, you should.

    You will be good. I'm serious...

    You sing well :)

    I hope I helped

    ~Amy L

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