
How is my weight loss goal???

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Lose 18lbs by halloween

(past this is a total of all pounds lost since now)

Lose 34lbs by christmas

Lose 39lbs by my birthday (jan 11)

I would be 5'3" 126 pounds after that. But I would still want to lose weight, so I could get down to 105, which is the lowest my BMI should go (I am athletic, I just enjoy sweets too much)

What do you think? Is it good? Too little...too much... just right?




  1. Halloween is in about 8 or 9 wks, so with a loss of about 2 lbs/wk it's doable. A loss of no more than 3 lbs/wk is recommended as it tends to require methods that are difficult or unhealthy to maintain, and thus weight is often gained when you stop using those methods.

    Eat healthy and exercise regularly and you should be fine. The key in weight loss is to do it right, and in a manner you can maintain when you reach your goal. Too many people use fad diets and gimmicks, don't make a lifestyle change, and so put the weight right back on because they went back to their old, previous habits (that caused them to gain the weight in the first place) or deprived themselves so much during "dieting" that they start to binge, fudge, relax on their exercise, and just get tired of trying to maintain their weight.

    Good luck in reaching your goal!

  2. Depending on your love of sweets, your first goal is very obtainable.  And the others are as well if you are willing to commit the necessary effort to obtain them.

    Do you have someone assisting you with your endeavors? You may need the extra support for the second and third goals. Just someone to help keep you focused.

    Good luck with all three!!!

  3. I think it is aggressive, but doable, as long as you are not sacrificing your health. You say you are athletic so it sounds like all you need to do it cut out the sweets. 5'3 126 is perfect, why go any lower?

    Good Luck!

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