
How is netball different then basketball?

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I can never understand difference between the two sports? Is there anyone who can explain this in simple terms please?




  1. in netball if someone throws you the ball you have to stand still and try and throw it to someone else in your team. in basketball you can dribble the ball ( run + bounce it) towards the end your scoring at to try and score, you cant stop dribbling + then start again because that is known as the double dribble and is against the rules. basket ball is the more physical of the 2 sports but in netball you have to think about your positioning more and its better to make a plan of where you need to be.

    @sayrah- netball is not just a girls sport, there are no rules to say who can play either game.

  2. Well netball is just for girls... and you cant run with the ball only 3 steps and pivit, you are only alowwed in certain places of the court and the basket is different too, no back board, just a net (:

  3. I play both.

    Well actually there's a big difference between them.

    Basketball- 1.You can dribble them(three steps before you pass)

                         2. They actually use baskets

                         3. Usually played by men (although I am female)

    Netball-  1. Different positions (ex. Wing Defence, Wing Attack etc. 2. No dribbling! only bouncepass. 3. Funnily enough mostly played by women!

    Hope this helps!

  4. You can't move with the ball in netball, you can only pivot around the spot you're on when you receive it. You cannot dribble the ball, it is passed along the court from player to player. Players have positions such as goal keeper etc. and each position states which particular zones the player is allowed in.

  5. In netball you can't run with the ball or travel outside set zones. Netball also has player positions.

  6. Netball is a non-contact generally indoor sport similar to, and derived from, basketball. It is usually known as a women's sport. It was originally known in its country of origin, the United States, as "women's basketball". Invented in 1895 by Clara Gregory Baer, a pioneer in women's sport.

    Netball has a few similarities to basketball. That's because it started off as a women's version of basketball in America. The really big difference between netball and basketball is that you can't dribble with the ball. Instead you can step or pivot from your landing foot before passing the ball on in Netball sport. In basketball u have contact, as it is a ball and court based game played on a court by oppsing teams of 5 players.

    A netball court is divided into three sections with seven players on each team. You can't throw the ball the whole length of the court, it has to be passed through every section. Netball is a non-contact sport and the defenders have to be 0.9 metres from the player with the ball. To keep the game really fast, once you've caught the ball, you only have three seconds to pass it on again. Shooting is pretty simple too, the ball goes through the net and it's a point for your team.

  7. The main basic difference is that the court bounderies are different and in netball you are not allowed to move with the ball as in basketball. You also need to keep for feet on the ground in Netball to shoot

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