
How is one to cope after the 'I only see you as a friend routine'?

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A girl and I from school (both 17) have known each other for about 6 months, we chat often on MSN but never 'hang out' as we live about 15 miles away. The other day I asked her out on MSN (stupid, I know) and got 'but I only see you as a friend'. How do you recommend coping with the embarrassment of this when we return to school, and do you think it's worth asking her again? Thanks.




  1. If this was me, I would say "what did you think I was asking you..... I was only asking if you wanted to meet out somewhere as friends sometime"....

    It might work!!!!!

  2. You will get turned down more than you'll get taken up on asking girls on dates.  It is nothing to be embarrassed about.  You explored whether this girl thought you were special, and she let you know in a nice way that at this time she doesn't.  Coping here is just realizing you flattered her with the ask, and she politely declined.  Nothing to be embarrassed about.  And yes it is worth asking again, just always treat her with respect and she should be flattered; if she gives you "cut in out" signals then you stop, otherwise where is the harm?  Someday she may say yes, just because you were pleasant and persistent.

  3. give her the silent treatment then see what happens to her ' oh i only thought of u as a friend'' ''bullshit''  

  4. NO!!!!!!

    Maintain your dignity, f**k someone she knows and soon. -if she asks about that smile and say it was "cool" (imply it was lots of fun), if she hears about that make sure that the recipient had something special to say...

    At best she'll be jealous, at worst she'll see a whole new layer of shallowness in you...that she'll find attractive. (and it'll explain why you asked her out...)

    btw, imho, girls want to be the one who was picked "from" a million, not the only one who you know.

  5. dont be embarrassed, asking someone out is a normal thing, if people find out about it just say things like, "yeah so what?" im sure you'll be fine, as for asking her out again, wait a while, if she still shows no interest, dont ask her out per se, just let her know you still like her and see where it goes from there

    hope this helps


  6. act like nothing happend!

    then if they go on about it its them who's makin a thing of it!

  7. Well - you might wantto know that people all feel differently. You might want to give her a bit of time... it doesn't seem so long since you asked her.

    If you give a bit of time... you know... maybe it'll change. And if it doesn't... there's really nothing to do. All you have to remember is that everything changes. It clears the head up wonderfully.

  8. Don't ask her out again!

    She's probably just getting used to the fact you like her, don't act like an **** like some guys do when the can't take the truth. Accept she doesn't feel the same and move on.

    Maybe when you go back she might think differently.

    P.s good luck x

  9. Distance and patience. Be cordial but cool, and always be the one to walk away. If she has the remotest interest - she will wonder. I got that with a particular girl I was crazy about when I was your age.  When she questioned why she wasn't bumping into me anymore I told her I had enough friends, and I did not want her to be uncomfortable. I said goodbye - I don't know if I will be seeing you again. Not long after - she came looking for me. We went out for several years afterwards. No joke. Be strong but kind. I did not give her the cold shoulder when she came looking for me.  

  10. Treat her like a friend when you see her at school.

    NO, don't ask her again.  She's not interested in you that way.

  11. Hey, you got nothing to be embarrassed about! You gave it a shot and that took some guts. But, for the future always do it face to face it gives a better sense of self confidence which chicks dig. Don't worry about seeing her in school, just act like it is no big deal and even be a little "what ever" about it and see how she reacts. One or two things will happen at this point. 1. She will be "what ever" back and this says she did not dig you in the first place. 2. She will be curious about the change in attitude and may just go after you. Either way be cool and always be yourself. She is the first of many women you will meet in your life time. Have fun with it!

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