
How is placing a tax on the oil companies going to help?

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Windfall tax? Yet another tax. How will that do anything except drive the price of gas up even more?




  1. Cure global warming - put $50 more tax on a barrel!

  2. Intelligent people understand that ANY tax placed on the Oil Companies will simply be passed onto the consumers in higher fuel costs. Those that don't understand this can't find their *** with both hands anyway.

  3. It helps the price of gas to go up and then you drive less which is what the left wants.

  4. You are correct, they will have to make up that money some wheres, and it will be our pocket book.  Our Politicians really DO NOT HAVE A CLUE!!!!  The profits the Oil Companies are making are nothing compared to other major corporations such as Microsoft.  It is NOT THE GOVERNMENTS JOB TO HINDER FREE ENTERPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Oil Companies are ALREADY TAXED.  Come on people, WAKE UP ALREADY.  OUR GOVERNMENT IS MAKING THE MESS OF THIS OUR COUNTRY.

  5. What is it, like 139$ a Barrel. So now, lets say we tax that just 25% per barrel. Thats 35$ per barrel for tax towards other fuel sources and other energy recources. That money also goes towards the science and technology of creating new alternatives to the Fuel Industry and Economy. Oh ya, America uses over a million barrels of oil a day, so thats 35 million dollars a day towards New Alternatives.

    Thats why they need to Tax the Oil Company's. There stealing sons of bit-ches.

  6. They wouldn't be taxed if they increased production, worked in alternative fuels, or improved refineries.

  7. Any tax WILL BE passed onto the customers

  8. It wont help anyone with half a brain can understand if you raise operating costs, the cost of your product goes up. If you havent figured it out yet look what the cost of gas has done to the cost of everything else. Trucks have to deliver the products etc..

  9. Dem's are all about government control.  They want Americans to suffer at the pump and eventually not be able to afford gas.  This way all Americans are dependent on the government and they'll use some of the windfall money to buy you a bus pass.

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