
How is possible for a guy to have s*x without having an emotional attachment?

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How is possible for a guy to have s*x without having an emotional attachment?




  1. I wonder that to. I guess its because some guys *not all guys* use the wrong 'brain'

  2. Because s*x can be purely physical. We men are able to separate "love" from "s*x". Although when in love, "making love" is the icing on the cake. I've known some women who were also capable of separating the two, although it's not as common.

  3. I would say Yes

  4. The same way a woman does.

  5. simple...we some time think with our p***s and not with our head.

  6. Dont think about the girl plain and simple.  If you're attached and you dont want to be, try and see her a lot less, not have s*x with her as much, or just try and find other girls to take your mind off her.

  7. i would also say yes

  8. Look the fact is that "s*x" is not just a "recreational sport"-

    The reason we have s*x is to procreate ( have children)

    But to answer your question


    It's possible, and also very, very typical of men to Not become emotionally attached to someone they are having s*x with.


    Basically because they are programmed by nature to focus on spreading their "genetic material"  as far and wide as possible.( ie: have alot of s*x with alot of women)

    But Nature also, programs Women with the biological need Bond with and to have the "father" (or Potential father) stick around to be a partner in raising the off-spring.( kinda sucks I know;)

    So women become attached to the man they are "having s*x with", much easier due to this biological programming.

    Just in case the "s*x" resulted in a pregnancy.

    In some cultures through out was common for a man to have many wives and many children from them. BUT the difference was that the culture also required VERY seriously that they also Prove that they could provide for all of them.

    It was also very common for the women to share in the child rearing and responsibilities so it was a win/ win situation sometimes. The women often considered each other as sort of "sister" and didn't feel jealous or competitive.

    Another reason for this was to insure genetic diversity and that the group had a better chance for survival based on the fact that they were all dependent on each other.

    The men were expected to be MEN and were NOT allowed to be irresponsible towards the women or children, or they were basically kicked out of the society. In those days that most likely meant death.

    This sexual Behavior is much more common in Young men.As they mature ( which is usually about 10 years behind women of the same age) they begin to settle into a one on one relationship again based on Biology

    Today however men still have this Urge to " spread it around", but our society isn't structured the same way and Men are not held responsible for their actions in most cases.

    So , have fun...use contraceptives and remember that young men are basically walking p***s's, who will say anything to get you to have s*x. Have Fun


  9. Alcohol.

  10. itz easy im a girl and i do it all the time......itz like kissing and having no emotional attachment........u jus dont feel anything 4 the person u know??? you don't love them so you aint gana trip if they leave u or watever.....itz easy try it..its fun too

  11. Because 90% of men arent thinking with the head on their shoulders.

  12. You do understand men, don't you?

    Well, I guess not, by asking that question.

  13. Lust.

  14. yes it is--the guy simply either does the acts to make you happy, or he doesn't feel as happy during s*x as he does being with you.....also, he may just not enjoy it due to past experiences or for the simple fact that some ppl dont njoy s*x

  15. Put yourself in a wham bam thank you mam mindset.

  16. we r not animals to do this

    god created emmotions in side us to make every thing sweet and beloved.

    desire can't make happiness

  17. men just want s*x and dont need attachment think about hookers ya know its a one time thing

  18. Yes, but if he keeps having s*x with the same person long enough, he will probably develop an attachment for her - it's human nature :-)

  19. Most men do even with there wives.

  20. becasue they aren't women

  21. well of course it's possible!

    a guy, or girl for that matter, doesn't need a reason other than the fact that they find it enjoyable.

  22. no ther ehas to be something there.

  23. it's easy - just have s*x purely for the enjoyment of the act.

  24. It is the s*x feeling. It is very possible to have s*x without an emotional attachment. What about those one night stands.


  26. Let's reverse this. How is it possible that most women can't have s*x without having an emotional attachment? Or just have s*x or desire it only for sexual gratification and fun and the desire only for the physical, carnal act itself pleasure and men's bodies? Just biological differences between men and women's views towards s*x.

  27. i don't know but they do it all the time's called a booty call

  28. of course when a guy pays a guy to have s*x its not emitional

  29. Here is a good analogy:

    For women love is like water in a desert and s*x is like a delicious dinner at a fancy French restaurant.

    For men s*x is like water in a desert and love is like a delicious dinner at a fancy French restaurant.

    I guess the analogous question would be how is it possible for women to love someone without being ready to have s*x with them yet.

  30. anybody can have s*x without an emotional attachment - some may *prefer* not to but pretty much anyone, male or female, can have a fling and walk away.

  31. I know. My friends with benefits guy seems to do this just fine. Can you tell me why? I am so attached, have fallen in love with him. If you have any insight, please email me. I could use some help in dealing with this.

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