
How is pre-existing condition determined?

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My mom is visiting from India & started having gynacological problems after coming here.

She was diagnosed with uterine/cervical cancer here. It has not been determined what stage the cancer is in.

She didn't have any problems in India so never got tested in India.

She has visitor's insurance in USA.

I would appreciate any information/advise on whether this will be considered a pre-existing condition by the the insurance company &

what criterion are used to determine pre-existing condition.




  1. Hello there,

    The way a pre-existing condition is determined is by whether or not your mother sought care from a physician prior to purchasing the visitor's insurance.  So if she didn't know she was having gynecological problems, and had NEVER seen a doctor for the problem then it's not a pre-existing condition.  She had to KNOW she had the condition prior to purchasing the visitor's insurance.  If she didn't know, then she's just fine.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    Good luck!

    Kathy K

  2. If it is determined she is in any stage but stage 1 it will be considered a pre-existing condition.

  3. A pre existing condition is anything that you've been diagnosed with, or treated for, or have a prescription for, in the past 12 months.

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