
How is providing a stable environment spoiling my children?

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My brother in law stated that my children are spoiled because we have a big toy box full of toys and certain toys my daughter is fond of and doesn't like to share them for long periods of time, nor does she like having her toys taken out of her hands when she is playing with them, she is 3! Just because over the past 3 years we have gotten her toys for her christmas and clothes for birthdays her birthday is 3 days after christmas, and we have a one year old son and when they get sick or we have extra money we buy them a toy that does not make our children spoiled! Yes my kids are used to staying in our house we been here 2 years 3 months the only home my son has ever known and we moved 4 times by the time our daughter was 1. She stayed at our 1st apartment 6 weeks, our second apartment until she was 6 months old when we evacuated after hurricane Katrina, we stayed with my hubby's cousin for 6 weeks, got an apartment for year but moved out 6 months early though we paid rent on the apartment and a mortgage note so we had no extra money but didn't want a broken lease on our credit report. I am pregnant with our 3 child and my brother in law showed up at our door 2 1/2 weeks ago with his 3 children. His kids don't listen to us roll their eyes at us and run around the house screaming their heads off and my brother in law wants to move his girl friend in with us for 2 months so he can save up money to get a 3 bedroom apartment/house for them to stay in. We are going to let him stay here 2 weeks longer but he has to get his own place he has been staying with relatives for the past 2 1/2 years. His kids get new toys everytime they move because they leave the old toys behind not my fault right so why he acting like my kids are spoiled little brats when they listen way better than his kids.




  1. ur kids arent spoiled there loved

  2. They are all probably a little spoiled, your kids and his. I know mine are, as with most kids in this country. Don't get hurt feelings kids will be kids. It is your house though and if you want to have a decent relationship with the BIL it is a good idea that he gets his own place soon.

  3. Most likely because he is jealous of the life that your family now lives. His children are out of control, and his life is unstable. You are doing a great thing by letting him stay with you. You sound like you are doing a terrific job bringing up your children. Don't let anyone tell u otherwise.  

  4. kick your brother in law out period, he has no room what-so-ever to criticize or even offer an opinion, he should be kissing your ***, and thanking god for the ground you walk on.  Two -weeks, I wouldn't give him two minutes.

  5. kids  are  not  spoil

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