
How is recycling helping the environment?

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im doing an exhibition and need help on it so plz!!!! help me out.




  1. Not very much.  The solution doesn't rest with the consumer.  By the time all the packaging has been manufactured and transported the damage has been done.  Manufacturers need to use packaging products that have no effect on the environment/climate like they did until a few decades ago.  Glass is just stone/sand and paper is just wood/dirt.  If these were the only packaging materials used the glass could be reused a few dozen times; until it broke and was tossed out with zero impact or remelted.  Paper makes good soil when tossed out.

  2. In order to help the environment we need to reuse things so we don't run out of them.  Plus, the more we reuse the less things will end up in landfills.  Good luck!

  3. By keeping hippies busy sorting out materials for industry,who would rather not have us know that they are going to use tons more fuel to haul them around,then a lot more energy making them into new products that then we are going to use a lot of energy to buy, use and discard. We'd be better off building our houses out of recycling, and feeding our paper directly to worms.

  4. watch this on youtube....its amazing about "SAVING THE PLANTET:

  5. 1. reduce pollution

    2. reduce the need to exploit natural resources (trees for example)

    3. flora and fauna can maintain their natural habitats (preservation - prevent extinction)

    4. curb global warming (indirectly)

  6. It's not, it would be better to reduce the amount of trash we produce in the first place.

  7. We also use less oil to produce the plastic that bottles and bags are made of. It's still better to recycle whether it makes a big or little impact. The overall solution is simply that we need to reduce but use recycled products where we can.

  8. I really think if everyone recycled that our air would be clean and it would reduce pollution and landfill build up also we'd be saving more trees I think it should be a required thing to recycle where i live we don't have the option of on street pick up so people don't take the time to do it.

  9. Recycling reduces environmental problem e.g. most paper and cardboard are made from trees therefore and save energy because steel and aluminum are naturally occurring sources therefore to get those metals  from its metal it requires lots of energy.

  10. It doesn't.

    1. Recycling centers and separate recyclable waste collection add to the carbon footprint of our waste management and resource production industries.

    2. Trees are farmed, and the use of recycled paper does not eliminate (or even significantly reduce) the need for virgin pulp. Adding the factory processing of recycled paper just adds to the pollution problem.

    3. Glass / Plastic / Paper production does require factories, which displaces wildlife, but recycling requires additional facilities for processing recyclable materials.

    4. Increasing recycling efforts only expands a factory infrastructure that does not address the problems with virgin plastic production, and does not address or alleviate the need for virgin glass or wood/ paper pulp.

  11. Recycling products often uses fewer resources and energy than it takes to create new products from scratch, and it reduces the amount of waste in landfills.  Pepsi has an interesting new campaign that you should look into.  It's called "Have We Met Before?" They are putting recycling facts on their aluminum cans as a way to remind consumers to recycle and remind them why it is important.  

    Some of the facts that they are putting on the cans:

    •  Recycling could save 95% of the energy used to make this can.

    •  On average, aluminum cans produced in the United States contain 40-50% recycled content.

    •  The average person has the opportunity to recycle 25,000 cans in a lifetime.

    •  Recycling a single aluminum can saves enough energy to power a TV for three hours.

    •  Recycle this can and save enough energy to power a 100-watt light bulb for four hours.

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