
How is riding upside down on a roller coaster?

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I was just wondering how it's like going upside down on a roller coaster. I'm gonna try one like, next week(:

How does it feel? Is it scary?

Also, I was wondering if you know how it feels going BACKWARDS while going upside down; cause i'm doing that too(:

Thanksss. =]




  1. yo roller coasters are awesome.. u got to do it..

    i got season passes to 6flags and i go on roller coasters every weekend..its not scary, its a rush!! good luck

  2. You can't really feel being upside down because it happens so fast.

  3. You can't even feel it. When I went to Busch Gardens with my honor society class my friends practically dragged me onto a rollorcoaster(i had never been on one before). The first one we got on was The Loch Ness Monster and that one has two loops. I was nervous at first but when we came to the loop i couldn't even feel i. It feels like your going straight just with a little more wind

  4. Don't even worry about it, you don't even realize your going upside down besides the fact that you can see the sky , unless its indoor but again, you cant even tell. And when you go backwards while going upside down thats so much fun too, I didn't even find it scary.

  5. Dont worry, it doesnt even feel like your upside down at all when you really are, it looks like your just going stright but on a circular kind of path...haha its hard to explain. but dont freak out its always scary before you go on it but then its mad fun.

  6. Its feels awesome and backwards would be better!

  7. feels like ur slightly suffocating, but i suggest you keep ur eyes open because its kinda cool. just dont puke.

  8. its goes to quickly

  9. It felt uncomfortable for a second.

  10. Its sooooooooo much fun. you kind lift up out of your seat for a second and feel like you might fall, but you are securely fastened in so tight that its never gonna happen. Its a real experience when you do it for the first time.

    Have fun!!!!

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