
How is s***n collected for AI?

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Does anyone know how s***n is collected for Artificial Insemination from bulls? Thanks




  1. s***n collection from bulls using an AV requires three people: one to handle the teaser animal, one to control the bull and one to collect the s***n. It is important that the collection area have non-slip flooring to avoid injuries and because ejaculation may be inhibited if the bull is nervous about his footing. Bulls are heavy and should have regular hoof care. Poor hoof condition can inhibit the bull from mounting or cause pain when dismounting.

    A steer is most commonly used as a teaser and mount animal. Female teasers are not recommended because of the potential risk of intromission and spreading of venereal disease. The teaser should be a calm animal of the appropriate size for the bull being collected.

    The back and rear quarters of the teaser are washed with a disinfectant every collection day. It is also common for the rear quarters to be clipped routinely. The bull's preputial hair should be clipped in preparation for using the AV. These sanitary precautions are intended to minimize microbial contamination of the s***n being collected.

    For collection, the teaser is positioned straight in front of the bull for mounting. Oftentimes, it helps to arouse the bull if the steer is led around the collection arena with the bull behind, then stopped abruptly, similar to the behavior of a cow in estrus.

    The artificial vaginal (pictured at right) uses thermal and mechanical stimulation to stimulate ejaculation. The liner of the AV is filled with water at 42-48 degrees Celsius, and the inner surface is lubricated with something like K-Y jelly. An insulating cone is placed over the end from which the collection tube protrudes to avoid subjecting the s***n to temperature shock.

    sorry if this is too long, i found this on the net, hope this is sufficient.

  2. Depends on the animals.

    For the larger stock, like bulls and stallions, they use a teaser mare, or cow that is in season.  The bull or stallion is allowed to smell her, and become aroused.

    Then the bull or stallion is allowed to mount an artificial mare or cow.  It's just a big, padded thing that can support their weight, and will not move, when they mount it.

    The p***s is directed into an artificial v****a, that has a sterile plastic bag lining it.  The bull or stallion s***n is collected in the plastic bag.

    For smaller livestock, like sheep and goats, they have an electrical device they use.  It's stuck in the r****m of the buck or ram, and causes them to ejaculate.  


    Permaculture homsteading/farming over 20 years

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