
How is sherry served,what measure and glass?Also same with brandy and port?What mixers do they usually have?

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I recently started work in a bar, and need some help with some of the slightly less common drinks. Thanks.




  1. You don't have mixers with Sherry, you serve it in a sherry glass which is a very small almost tube like glass. Brandy is served in a huge bulbous glass and is usually taken neat or you can serve it with lemonade or cola

  2. sherry is traditionally served in one of two measures, based on how they were served in naval days.there was a clipper the smaller measure or a schooner the bigger measure named after the sort of ships that brought sherry over from the spaniards. its usually served on its own.brandy has its own glass and in our club we serve it in 25ml measures. a brandy glass has a stem and a bowl and you should hold the bowl in your hand and gently swirl the brandy as this draws heat from your hand as you should drink it just above room temperature.some have it with ginger ale some with coke or a xmas drink is one shot of port and one shot of brandy together!ive been in a bar 10 years ask anything and i will try to help!

  3. Jesus H Christ Ash. You put water in sherry? Let me know where you work so that I can avoid the place.

  4. Out of the three , I only drink port out of a small glass, and enjoy a fine cigar while doing so.

  5. You should ask your employer,it's called Training!

  6. I drink Cream Sherry by itself, in a small cordial glass ....  I drink Port, by itself, in a small wine glass ... Brandy is served by itself, in a brandy snifter.  .......These are VERY COMMON drinks though!  Get a book on bartending and study up.  I'm surprised that you got a job bartending, if you didn't go to bartending school!

  7. Though there was a time when a B&B (Brandy and Babycham)  was very popular I doubt anyone will ask for it these days.

    In my own opinion, the only thing Port and Brandy should be mixed with is each other...... have tried all ratios and they are all good. Not a drink for the fainthearted mind !

  8. Like Ash said but to ad to that, Port and Lemon is popular with port drinkers

    Brandy and Coke would be most popular with people I've know that drink Brandy although i have lemonade with any spirits I have because the coke is really bad for you if you drink a lot.

  9. sherry and port is a double measure

    brandy single meassure

    sherry is usually drank with water

    port ive inly seen it on its own or with blue wkd = cheeky vimpto yummy lol

    brandy - pretty much anything usually lemonade :D

  10. Each drink has their appropriate glassware, but most bars don't stock sherry or port glasses.  Sherry and port should be about a double shot served straight in a small wine glass.  Neither has a common mixer as both are intended to be drunk on their own.  

    Brandy should be served as a shot in a snifter.  Occassionally, someone might ask for it heated.  Only low-end brandies should be used as a mixer.  Brandy Alexendar is pretty old school, but still ordered.  More commonly, a simply brandy and coke is requested.  

    And I'm with the guy who's avoiding the joint that waters down its sherries.  Poor form.

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