
How is silk produced? What is the chemical composition of silk? Is it synthetic or natural?

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How is silk produced? What is the chemical composition of silk? Is it synthetic or natural?




  1. Silk is a natural protein fiber. The best-known type of silk is obtained from cocoons made by the larvae of the silkworm Bombyx mori reared in captivity (sericulture). The shimmering appearance for which silk is prized comes from the fibers' triangular prism-like structure which allows silk cloth to refract incoming light at different angles.

  2. Silkworms are effectively like backyard caterpillars in the way they spin a cocoon... unfortunately for them, human beings have developed a penchant for the material from which this cocoon is made. If the worm were allowed to emerge naturally the future 'silk' would be damaged so the worm is steamed, gassed or boiled alive to remove it from the cocoon.

    Silk is a cruelly produced fabric and the synthetic alternatives are cheaper and just as strong and attractive.

  3. Silk is a natural protenious filament yarn. Produced by a silk worm called Bombex Mori. Silk worm eats Mulbary leaves  and starts emitting  saliva whcih when comes in contact with air becomes hard filament  encircals the silkworms body and forms a cacoon. The silk filament is called   fibrion and the gum that sticking to the filament is called sericin. After some time  the worm will become a moth and cut open the cacoon and comes out  and after mateing layes egges and life cycle starts.

  4. A moth caterpillar spins a cocoon which is unwound.  It is a protein and it is natural.

  5. Silk is a natural fibre obtained from the silkworm. Many other animals, including spiders and lacewings, spin silk threads. But their silk cannot economically be made into cloth. The silkworm feeds on mulberry leaves and when it is fully grown it starts spinning its cocoon around itself.

    The silk which forms the cocoon comes out of 2 small pores in the head of the silkworm. This liquid hardens when exposed to air and forms 2 threads. Another gummy liquid calld sericin gums the 2 silk threads together into one thread which may be as long as 1500 m. It is a protein, an amino acid.

  6. silk worms excrete it. it is wholly natural

  7. Without getting too technical and sounding like a cut and paste from Wikipedia silk is a 100% natural fiber.  Silk is almost all protein made up amino acids connected in their special way that gives silk it's unique appearance and strength.  The silk we are most familiar with is produced by the  larvae of the silkworm Bombyx mori reared in captivity.  This is called sericulture.  There are other types of silk fibers made in nature that you are probably familiar with.  The web of spiders are made of a type of silk spun in single strands and carefully put together by the spider.  There are many other larvae of moths that spin silk but none have the unique qualities of that silk spun by the silk worm.

  8. Silk is a natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be woven into textiles. The best-known type of silk is obtained from cocoons made by the larvae of the silkworm Bombyx mori reared in captivity (sericulture). The shimmering appearance for which silk is prized comes from the fibers' triangular prism-like structure which allows silk cloth to refract incoming light at different angles.

    Not sure on the chemical composition.

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