
How is solar energy harnessed or gathered?

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How is solar energy harnessed or gathered?




  1. 1. Photovoltaics - You point them up, and the photons, using quantum burrito meals, produce DC. Then it goes to an inverter, and then nobody gives a ****.

    2. Concentrated photovoltaics - You get like a lens to focus more sunlight onto the same area of solar panel. A bit more effective, slightly cheaper per watt. Same thing, in the end.

    3. Heat engines - A set of mirrors focuses sunlight at a container of molten salt or something, and the salt acts as a heat resovoir to power a heat engine, like a Stirling engine. This is only currently for power plants.

  2. Photovoltaic cell convert sunlight to  electrical current

  3. As far as I can tell, and I'm very smart if I do say so. Is that the solar energy is collected through MaGiC CraZy beans that jump around on the unicorns head and then f**t into the energy collector that powers the fusion cores.. Simple!

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