
How is sudoku like algebra?

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I have math homework where I have to give ways sudoku and algebra are alike. Does anyone have any suggestions?I've only gotten a few and I need 10-15




  1. They both make you "THINK".

    They both are to do with "problem solving".

    Logic is the main tool, to do both.

    Advanced techniques like formulas,

    they are collections of logical steps.

    Remember them, recognize them

    make solving process faster.

    BUT to much formulas make people forget about  "THINKING".

  2. its not

  3. I dont really think that they are personally but thiis website may or may not Hope I helped

  4. I do like the answer QASudoku gave you. Both do make you think, require logic to solve, and have everything to do with problem solving.

    Another thing that both have in common is the fact that both use known information to solve for the unknown information. In Sudoku, you use the known numbers to find the numbers that belong in the blank spaces. In Algebra, you tend to solve for x or y, using the rest of the equation.

    Hope this helps somewhat.

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